Wisdom of the Prophet:
"Search for knowledge ('ilm) even unto China, because it is an obligatory duty of every muslim"
(via RHOF dated 28.9.97)
Wisdom of the prophet:
"The best worship is the pursuit of knowledge".
(via RHOF dated 28.9.97)
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Monday, 20 February 2012
Amin_quote AsSabiqun
Aamiin (آمِيّنْ)
Ada yang masih keliru dengan penggunaan perkataan Aamiin ( آمِيّنْ ) dalam pelbagai konteks? Dlm bahasa Arab ada 4 perbezaan perkataan Aamiin
( آمِيّنْ ):
-- Amin (alif & mim sama-sama pendek), ertinya aman/tenteram.
-- Aamin (alif panjang & mim pendek), ertinya meminta perlindungan/keamanan.
-- Amiin (alif pendek & mim panjang), ertinya jujur/dipercayai.
-- Aamiin (alif & mim sama-sama panjang), ertinya ya Rabb, kabulkanlah Do'a kami.
Via As-Sabiqun Enterprse
Ada yang masih keliru dengan penggunaan perkataan Aamiin ( آمِيّنْ ) dalam pelbagai konteks? Dlm bahasa Arab ada 4 perbezaan perkataan Aamiin
( آمِيّنْ ):
-- Amin (alif & mim sama-sama pendek), ertinya aman/tenteram.
-- Aamin (alif panjang & mim pendek), ertinya meminta perlindungan/keamanan.
-- Amiin (alif pendek & mim panjang), ertinya jujur/dipercayai.
-- Aamiin (alif & mim sama-sama panjang), ertinya ya Rabb, kabulkanlah Do'a kami.
Via As-Sabiqun Enterprse
Sleep etiquette.
Islamic Online University
MODERATION IN SLEEP: Aboo Qataadah related that (the people) discussed their over-sleeping, and he asked [the Prophet PBUH ], “[What is the case of] people who slept until the sun rose?” Allaah’s Messenger (PBUH) replied, “Negligence doesn’t take place while sleeping but while being awake. So, whenever anyone of you forgets to pray or goes to bed without making his prayers, he should make the prayer whenever he remembers it, and pray on time the following day”. Authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah, vol.1, p.116, no.572.
Aboo Hurayrah related that Allaah’s Messenger (PBUH) said, “Satan ties three knots at the back of your heads when you go to sleep, then he recites on every knot: The night is long for you, so stay asleep. The first knot is undone when one wakes up and remembers Allaah. The second is undone when one makes ablution, and the third is undone when one makes his or her compulsory prayers. A person will then wake up energetic and with a good spirit. Otherwise, he will awaken lazy and with a bad spirit.” Sahih Al Bukhari, vol.2, pp.134-5, no.243.
A person who is sleeping is not held to account for religious duties he or she neglected during sleep. One is only held to account for deliberate acts of negligence while awake.
‘Aa’ishah quoted the Prophet (PBUH) as saying that the pen is raised from the record of three, one of whom was the sleeper until he awakens (Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.3, p.1226, no.4384 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan at-Tirmithee, vol.2, p.64, no.1150). He was also reported to have said that sins due to error, forgetfullness and forced acts have been removed from his followers (collected by at-Tabaraanee and authenticated in Saheeh al-Jaami‘ as-Sagheer, vol.1, p.659, no.3515).
MODERATION IN SLEEP: Aboo Qataadah related that (the people) discussed their over-sleeping, and he asked [the Prophet PBUH ], “[What is the case of] people who slept until the sun rose?” Allaah’s Messenger (PBUH) replied, “Negligence doesn’t take place while sleeping but while being awake. So, whenever anyone of you forgets to pray or goes to bed without making his prayers, he should make the prayer whenever he remembers it, and pray on time the following day”. Authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah, vol.1, p.116, no.572.
Aboo Hurayrah related that Allaah’s Messenger (PBUH) said, “Satan ties three knots at the back of your heads when you go to sleep, then he recites on every knot: The night is long for you, so stay asleep. The first knot is undone when one wakes up and remembers Allaah. The second is undone when one makes ablution, and the third is undone when one makes his or her compulsory prayers. A person will then wake up energetic and with a good spirit. Otherwise, he will awaken lazy and with a bad spirit.” Sahih Al Bukhari, vol.2, pp.134-5, no.243.
A person who is sleeping is not held to account for religious duties he or she neglected during sleep. One is only held to account for deliberate acts of negligence while awake.
‘Aa’ishah quoted the Prophet (PBUH) as saying that the pen is raised from the record of three, one of whom was the sleeper until he awakens (Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.3, p.1226, no.4384 and authenticated in Saheeh Sunan at-Tirmithee, vol.2, p.64, no.1150). He was also reported to have said that sins due to error, forgetfullness and forced acts have been removed from his followers (collected by at-Tabaraanee and authenticated in Saheeh al-Jaami‘ as-Sagheer, vol.1, p.659, no.3515).
Sunday, 19 February 2012
1) kata Imam Hasan Al Bashri: "Dunia ini hanyalah 3 hari. Hari kelmarin yang sudah berlalu, dan kita tidak mampu lagi untuk merubahnya. Hari esok, adalah misteri yang kita tidak tahu apakah kita akan masih memiliki kesempatan didalamnya. Dan hari ini, kesempatan untuk kita melakukan amal soleh. Maka,beramallah sebanyak-banyaknya."
Hari demi hariku tempuhi.. umur semakin larut pada senja.. detik semalam telah padam.. hari ini mengayam tikar kehidupan esok yang belum pasti...
2) Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W: "Hari ini mesti lebih baik daripada semalam, dan esok mesti lebih baik daripada hari ini. Barang siapa yang hari ini sama seperti semalam, dia termasuk golongan orang-orang yang rugi, dan barang siapa yang hari ini lebih buruk daripada semalam, maka dia termasuk orang-orang yang celaka."
~` Nun cahaya di kaki langit.. cantiknya mentari bersinar.. yaaa...apakah aku ini bisa menyusurinya.. di bawah sinar meninggalkan kegelapan...
3) "Demi masa! Sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam kerugian. Kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan melakukan Amal Salih. Dan mereka pula bermuafakat bersama-sama dalam saling memberi pengajaran tentang Kebenaran dan Kesabaran" - Al-Asr
Wahai Tuhan kami; berilah kami kebaikan di dunia dan kebaikan di akhirat, dan peliharalah kami dari azab neraka. ~` Ya Allah... Kurniakan anugerah cahayaMu.. agar ku pecahkan buih kehidupan.. yang sering membadai dijiwa.. dengan penuh rasa syukur dan redha.. menjadi selendang kasihku.. agar aku terus menyintaiMu.. ~` Adakah esok... masih menjadi milikku.. bagi meraih nikmatMu.. yang sering dipersiakan.. kesempatan dan kesihatan.. lontarkan sifat yang tercela.. jernihkan jiwaku.. mahabbah... khauf... zuhud... Nukilan : Perindu Kedamaian (¯`v´¯) MuHaSaBaH dIrI =) =) =) `•.¸.•´`•.¸•*¨¨*•.¸¸❤`•.¸.¸¸.•*❤ CINTA ALLAH CINTA ABADI. ~ Z ~ ♥
Via Ibtisam ALmusawa via Dunia macam-macam's status update.
1) kata Imam Hasan Al Bashri: "Dunia ini hanyalah 3 hari. Hari kelmarin yang sudah berlalu, dan kita tidak mampu lagi untuk merubahnya. Hari esok, adalah misteri yang kita tidak tahu apakah kita akan masih memiliki kesempatan didalamnya. Dan hari ini, kesempatan untuk kita melakukan amal soleh. Maka,beramallah sebanyak-banyaknya."
Hari demi hariku tempuhi.. umur semakin larut pada senja.. detik semalam telah padam.. hari ini mengayam tikar kehidupan esok yang belum pasti...
2) Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W: "Hari ini mesti lebih baik daripada semalam, dan esok mesti lebih baik daripada hari ini. Barang siapa yang hari ini sama seperti semalam, dia termasuk golongan orang-orang yang rugi, dan barang siapa yang hari ini lebih buruk daripada semalam, maka dia termasuk orang-orang yang celaka."
~` Nun cahaya di kaki langit.. cantiknya mentari bersinar.. yaaa...apakah aku ini bisa menyusurinya.. di bawah sinar meninggalkan kegelapan...
3) "Demi masa! Sesungguhnya manusia itu dalam kerugian. Kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan melakukan Amal Salih. Dan mereka pula bermuafakat bersama-sama dalam saling memberi pengajaran tentang Kebenaran dan Kesabaran" - Al-Asr
Wahai Tuhan kami; berilah kami kebaikan di dunia dan kebaikan di akhirat, dan peliharalah kami dari azab neraka. ~` Ya Allah... Kurniakan anugerah cahayaMu.. agar ku pecahkan buih kehidupan.. yang sering membadai dijiwa.. dengan penuh rasa syukur dan redha.. menjadi selendang kasihku.. agar aku terus menyintaiMu.. ~` Adakah esok... masih menjadi milikku.. bagi meraih nikmatMu.. yang sering dipersiakan.. kesempatan dan kesihatan.. lontarkan sifat yang tercela.. jernihkan jiwaku.. mahabbah... khauf... zuhud... Nukilan : Perindu Kedamaian (¯`v´¯) MuHaSaBaH dIrI =) =) =) `•.¸.•´`•.¸•*¨¨*•.¸¸❤`•.¸.¸¸.•*❤ CINTA ALLAH CINTA ABADI. ~ Z ~ ♥
Via Ibtisam ALmusawa via Dunia macam-macam's status update.
Saturday, 18 February 2012
Kebaikan vs keburukan
Dari Ibnu ‘Abbas, Rasulullah SAW. bersabda, “Sesiapa yang berniat untuk berbuat kebaikan tetapi tidak jadi mengerjakannya, maka akan dituliskan untuknya 1 kebaikan (pahala) yang sempurna, jika dia benar-benar mengerjakannya, maka Allah akan menuliskan untuknya 10 hingga 700 kebaikan, bahkan boleh lebih banyak lagi. Sesiapa yang berniat untuk berbuat kejahatan tetapi tidak jadi mengerjakannya, maka akan dituliskan untuknya 1 kebaikan yang sempurna, jika dia benar-benar mengerjakannya, maka Allah akan menuliskan 1 keburukan (dosa) untuknya.” (HR Bukhari & Muslim)
(via Norena Alkadri)
(via Norena Alkadri)
Friday, 17 February 2012
Fattabiouni Malaysia
Allah berkata: "Wahai anak adam, sekiranya kamu datang kepada-Ku dengan KESALAHAN seluas permukaan bumi, lalu kamu menemui-Ku tanpa kamu mempersekutukan AKU dengan sesuatu pun, nescaya AKU datang kepadamu dengan AMPUNAN seluas permukaan bumi pula."
~ Hadis Qudsi >>> hadis ke 42 dalam kitab Hadis 40 Imam An-Nawawi rahimahullah.
✉ Kita semua melakukan dosa & kesalahan, maka mohonlah keampunan daripada Allah Yang Maha Pengampun. Jangan berputus asa dengan rahmat-Nya.
-Fattabiouni ----------------
Apa doa Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم pada waktu pagi? Banyak, antaranya:
اللَّهُمَّ إنِّيْ أَسْأَلُكَ عِلْماً نَافِعاً وَرِزْقاً طَيِّباً وَعَمَلاً مُتَقَبَّلاً
Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku memohon daripada-Mu dikurniakan ilmu yang bermanfaat, rezeki yang baik dan amalan yang diterima.
(Riwayat Ibnu Majah)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UP8yQYquWHg&feature=colike (syukur)
Nikmat bertambah dgn kesyukuran.
--> 'ika kamu bersyukur, nescaya akan aku tambahkan nikmat kepasamu'.
Nabi SAW, setiap kali mendapat berita baik Nabi SAW akan bersyjud kpd Allah SWT
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkMYIRq1K34&feature=related (Berwuduk cara Rasulullah)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1gD-mqgQqo&feature=related (Jenis-jenis hati)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaDrGJnooOQ&feature=related (malu tidak bertempat)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9Ah5Ns3240&feature=related (mulakan dgn bhgn kanan)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dB5y--CF3s&feature=related (sunah-sunah masjid)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klm1QePo6b0&feature=related (bergaul dgn kanak-kanak)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtnmQc38Csc (having a baby)
Doa throughout pregnancy
Naming the baby on the 7th day
Shaving the baby's hair
Donating the weight of the baby's hair (in gold/silver)
Circumcision (bersunat/khatan)
Greetings and doa
http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=fattabiouni+with+english+subtitle&oq=Fattabiouni&aq=6&aqi=g10&aql=1&gs_sm=c&gs_upl=67172l67172l0l74141l1l1l0l0l0l0l250l250l2-1l1l0 (listed subtitles)
http://www.youtube.com/user/FattabiouniEnglish#p/u/3/R7hzYlqFPzI (rememberance of Allah)
http://www.youtube.com/user/FattabiouniEnglish#p/u/2/_Q84_3g3Kiw (sembhyg sunat = Supererogatory Prayers)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dW-e8Cbn4fo&feature=related (we all have needs)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAK2lUxEo44 (Naming Personal Belongings)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=af17on17YTs&feature=related (the tooth stick)
Allah berkata: "Wahai anak adam, sekiranya kamu datang kepada-Ku dengan KESALAHAN seluas permukaan bumi, lalu kamu menemui-Ku tanpa kamu mempersekutukan AKU dengan sesuatu pun, nescaya AKU datang kepadamu dengan AMPUNAN seluas permukaan bumi pula."
~ Hadis Qudsi >>> hadis ke 42 dalam kitab Hadis 40 Imam An-Nawawi rahimahullah.
✉ Kita semua melakukan dosa & kesalahan, maka mohonlah keampunan daripada Allah Yang Maha Pengampun. Jangan berputus asa dengan rahmat-Nya.
-Fattabiouni ----------------
Apa doa Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم pada waktu pagi? Banyak, antaranya:
اللَّهُمَّ إنِّيْ أَسْأَلُكَ عِلْماً نَافِعاً وَرِزْقاً طَيِّباً وَعَمَلاً مُتَقَبَّلاً
Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku memohon daripada-Mu dikurniakan ilmu yang bermanfaat, rezeki yang baik dan amalan yang diterima.
(Riwayat Ibnu Majah)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UP8yQYquWHg&feature=colike (syukur)
Nikmat bertambah dgn kesyukuran.
--> 'ika kamu bersyukur, nescaya akan aku tambahkan nikmat kepasamu'.
Nabi SAW, setiap kali mendapat berita baik Nabi SAW akan bersyjud kpd Allah SWT
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkMYIRq1K34&feature=related (Berwuduk cara Rasulullah)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1gD-mqgQqo&feature=related (Jenis-jenis hati)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaDrGJnooOQ&feature=related (malu tidak bertempat)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9Ah5Ns3240&feature=related (mulakan dgn bhgn kanan)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dB5y--CF3s&feature=related (sunah-sunah masjid)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klm1QePo6b0&feature=related (bergaul dgn kanak-kanak)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtnmQc38Csc (having a baby)
Doa throughout pregnancy
Naming the baby on the 7th day
Shaving the baby's hair
Donating the weight of the baby's hair (in gold/silver)
Circumcision (bersunat/khatan)
Greetings and doa
http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=fattabiouni+with+english+subtitle&oq=Fattabiouni&aq=6&aqi=g10&aql=1&gs_sm=c&gs_upl=67172l67172l0l74141l1l1l0l0l0l0l250l250l2-1l1l0 (listed subtitles)
http://www.youtube.com/user/FattabiouniEnglish#p/u/3/R7hzYlqFPzI (rememberance of Allah)
http://www.youtube.com/user/FattabiouniEnglish#p/u/2/_Q84_3g3Kiw (sembhyg sunat = Supererogatory Prayers)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dW-e8Cbn4fo&feature=related (we all have needs)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAK2lUxEo44 (Naming Personal Belongings)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=af17on17YTs&feature=related (the tooth stick)
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Pesan Rasulullah SAW sebelum tidur.
SEBELUM tidur, Rasulullah SAW pernah berpesan kepada Saidatina Aisyah :
“Ya Aisyah, jangan engkau tidur, sebelum melakukan 4 perkara iaitu :
Khatam Al Qur’an
Membuatkan para nabi memberi syafaat kepadamu di hari akhirat
Membuatkan para muslim meredhai kamu
Melaksanakan ibadat haji dan umrah.
Bertanya Aisyah :
“Ya Rasulullah, bagaimanakah aku dapat melaksanakan 4 perkara dalam satu masa?”
Rasulullah tersenyum sambil bersabda :
“Jika engkau tidur bacalah Surah Al -Ikhlas 3 kali, (maka ia seolah-olah kau mengkhatamkan Al Qur’an). Dan Bacalah selawat untukKu dan para nabi sebelumku, (maka kami semua akan memberi syafaat kpdmu di hari kiamat). Dan Beristighfarlah untuk para muslimin (maka mereka semua akan meredhai kamu). Dan perbanyakkanlah bertasbih, bertahmid, bertahlil, dan bertakbir (maka ia seolah-olah kamu telah melaksanakan ibadah haji dan umrah)”
“Ya Aisyah, jangan engkau tidur, sebelum melakukan 4 perkara iaitu :
Khatam Al Qur’an
Membuatkan para nabi memberi syafaat kepadamu di hari akhirat
Membuatkan para muslim meredhai kamu
Melaksanakan ibadat haji dan umrah.
Bertanya Aisyah :
“Ya Rasulullah, bagaimanakah aku dapat melaksanakan 4 perkara dalam satu masa?”
Rasulullah tersenyum sambil bersabda :
“Jika engkau tidur bacalah Surah Al -Ikhlas 3 kali, (maka ia seolah-olah kau mengkhatamkan Al Qur’an). Dan Bacalah selawat untukKu dan para nabi sebelumku, (maka kami semua akan memberi syafaat kpdmu di hari kiamat). Dan Beristighfarlah untuk para muslimin (maka mereka semua akan meredhai kamu). Dan perbanyakkanlah bertasbih, bertahmid, bertahlil, dan bertakbir (maka ia seolah-olah kamu telah melaksanakan ibadah haji dan umrah)”
Friday, 10 February 2012
The tree of Iman
If someone gives you a plant to take care of. How do you think you will do it? Wouldn’t you try your best not to let that plant die? And of course, to do that you are going to make sure that all the things that plant need, you provide it and keep it away from all the harmful things. At the same time you will try to find out about the basic elements that plant is consisted of and the basic things those elements need to grow properly. Believe me or not but all of us have one, very delicate and at the same time very strong tree to take care of given to us by our Lord. Allah (SWT) has given us this tree that is planted in our hearts, called “shajarat-ul-Iman” (Tree of Iman).
Allah (swt) describes that tree in Quran: “Have you not seen how Allah coined a similitude (of parable) a good word like a good tree, the root of that tree is firmly established in the ground and the branches reach the heavens.” At another place in Quran Allah (swt) said: “(this particular tree by the permission of its Lord), gives fruits (all kinds of fruits) anytime Allah (swt) wants it to give fruits.” Allah (swt) also said: “Allah coin similitude for the human beings (for you and I), so that perhaps we may reflect (we may think).”
Science say there are trees in other plants than earth. Allah (swt) created seven heavens and earth other than this planet. Some people say that there are trees and some say there are not. There is proof in Quran and Sunnah that there are trees in Jannah (heaven). One of them is called “Toobaa”, the tree for the “ghurab’a” (strangers). The shade of that tree is a month’s journey and this is where the believers will take their clothes. The Most Important Tree in this World: is the Tree of Iman (shajarat-ul-Iman). The tree that Allah (swt) has planted in our hearts. The tree that we all should be worrying about day and night. We all must know what that tree of Iman is made of so that we can take good care of it.
What Does the Tree of Iman Have?
Almost all the trees that Allah (swt) has created/originated, almost all of them have three very basic things:
1. Root (O’rooq) – The roots of the most important tree on this earth are:
a) Knowledge (I’lm)
b) Certainty (Yaqeen)
The tree of Iman is the basic belief of Islam. “La ilaha illal lah” “There is nonoe worthy of worship except Allah (swt)” So the root for us of the Tree of Iman, is the KNOWLEDGE of the meaning of “la ilaha illallah”. It covers every single aspect of our life. When we know that there is none other then Allah (swt), we totally surrender to Him alone and we take everything that He gave us through the Quran and the Sunnah of Rasul of Allah (saw). The other half of the root of this tree is the certainty, meaning the certainty of everything what “la ilaha illallah” brings. When implementing Islam in our lives, or when accepting a matter which we were not aware of before, we should do it with firm belief and certainty, as long as it is from the Quran and the authentic Sunnah of Rasul and his companions.
2) Trunk: (Saaq) – The tree of Iman, like the other trees, also has a trunk, which is Purity of Intention: (al-Ikhlas). We must have the purity of intention for our tree to be firm and unshakable and immovable. Abdullah Ibn Sahl at-tuzkuri (ra) (scholar from the taba’een) was asked: “What is al-Iman?”, he said: “Iman is statement, is action, is Niyyah (intention) and is Sunnah. If it is a statement without actions then it is Kufr (disbelief), if it is a statement and action with out intention then it is Nifaq (hypocrisy), if it is a statement, action and intention without the Sunnah, then it is Bid’ah (innovation).” To keep a healthy trunk of our tree, we must have a pure intention of our actions. Our every righteous deed is divided into two parts. The first half of a righteous deed is the purity of intention. The Niyyah must be pure for the pleasure of Allah ONLY!
3) Branches & Fruits: This tree should also have branches and fruits. And these are:
a) Righteous deeds
b) Honorable/Noble Character
At several places in Qur’an, Allah (SWT) has distinguished the people of Jannah from the people of Hell as Indeed those who believed and did righteous deeds. Those who believed and did righteous deeds have also been given the glad tidings of Jannah at several places in Qur’an: Every righteous deed consists of two parts. The first part is the purity of intention (for the sake of Allah only!). Second half of the righteous deed is that the action has to be in conformed to Shari’ah (Qur’an and Sunnah of Rasool (SAW) and the Companions (RA)). If the action is not conformed to Shari’ah, it is not considered a righteous deed! When a tree has firm roots and healthy trunk and branches, it automatically produces good fruits. Similarly, when we establish firm roots of Iman in our heart and keep a healthy trunk and branches of the tree the fruits will prosper. If we have the knowledge of our Deen and certainty of whatever knowledge we have, and we do righteous deeds with pure intentions, we will automatically develop an honorable and noble character.
Things that will Make Our Tree Die:
1) Kufr: If we allow Kufr to come into our tree, it will destroy the tree.
2) Shirk: If we allow shirk to come into our tree, it will also destroy the tree.
3) Bid`ah: If we allow Bid`ah (innovations) of all types to come into our tree, it will destroy our tree. Our tree will become yellow, our tree will become dry and our tree will eventually die!
We nowadays are involved in so many “religious practices” thinking that they are pleasing Allah (swt), though in reality they are getting themselves involved either in Bid`ah or sometimes even to the extant of shirks. Muslims, intentionally or unintentionally, either add or remove stuff from how a certain act was originally practiced by our pious predecessors and hence making it a Bid`ah. And since the act was not practiced according to the “Shari’ah”, it will not be considered a righteous deed. To avoid from getting ourselves involved in these dangerous things, it is extremely important to have the “knowledge” of the Deen and to refer back to our pious predecessors in every single thing we do or say.
What is Al-Iman?
Al-Iman is:
1) Belief: Iman is a belief in our hearts. It is to have a firm belief of “la illah illallah” in our hearts and all of the things that it brings. Every thing that we find from Qur’an and Sunnah, we must have a sincere and firm belief on that without having any doubts.
2) Statement: Iman is a statement by our tongue. We must state “la illaha illallah” by our tongues. Meaning what ever believes we have, we cannot just keep them in our hearts, but we must say them out.
3) Actions: Iman is to carry out our beliefs and our statements by our bodily limbs.
After believing in “la illaha illallah” and stating it, we must imply it in our actions. And the way we imply “la illaha illallah” in our actions is by modifying our every action and deed according to the Qur’an and Sunnah of Rasool SAW and our pious predecessors. A general example of the above could be wearing Hijab. If one has a firm belief in Allah (swt) and whatever He revealed, will definitely believe that wearing Hijab is a command of Allah and it is mandatory. Then only believing is not enough, we must have to admit by stating by our tongues the fact that Hijab is necessary and inform other people about it in a nice pleasing way (not in a displeasing or complaining manner). But still our Iman is not completed until we start wearing it ourselves. To think that Iman is in our hearts only is one of the tricks of Iblis (Satan). We shouldn’t be fooled by the Shaytaan (Satan) of the Ins wal Jin (Humans and Jinns) by thinking that Iman is in our chests only and as long as we have a firm belief, our Iman is completed Rather we HAVE to show our believes by our statements and by our actions.
Highest and Lowest of Iman: Rasool of Allah (saw) said: “Iman has 70 branches. And the highest of al-Iman is the statement “la illaha illallah” (It is the most sublime, the most magnificent and the most superior of all Iman). The lowest of the Iman is to remove some harmful thing from the street. And modesty is a part of al-Iman.”
Iman Wears Out: We all go through high and low levels of Iman. As Rasool of Allah told us: “al-Iman wears out in each and everyone of you and me like a “thaub” (garment) wears out (like our clothes wears out…and they become shabby eventually. Iman wears out like that “thaub”). So Rasool of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) advised us (since our Iman wears out) “So all of you Muslims, should ask Allah (swt) to RENEW the Iman in our hearts.”
By Umm Abdullah from a lecture by Dawud Adib
Source: http://blog.iloveallaah.com/2009/12/tree-of-iman/
Allah (swt) describes that tree in Quran: “Have you not seen how Allah coined a similitude (of parable) a good word like a good tree, the root of that tree is firmly established in the ground and the branches reach the heavens.” At another place in Quran Allah (swt) said: “(this particular tree by the permission of its Lord), gives fruits (all kinds of fruits) anytime Allah (swt) wants it to give fruits.” Allah (swt) also said: “Allah coin similitude for the human beings (for you and I), so that perhaps we may reflect (we may think).”
Science say there are trees in other plants than earth. Allah (swt) created seven heavens and earth other than this planet. Some people say that there are trees and some say there are not. There is proof in Quran and Sunnah that there are trees in Jannah (heaven). One of them is called “Toobaa”, the tree for the “ghurab’a” (strangers). The shade of that tree is a month’s journey and this is where the believers will take their clothes. The Most Important Tree in this World: is the Tree of Iman (shajarat-ul-Iman). The tree that Allah (swt) has planted in our hearts. The tree that we all should be worrying about day and night. We all must know what that tree of Iman is made of so that we can take good care of it.
What Does the Tree of Iman Have?
Almost all the trees that Allah (swt) has created/originated, almost all of them have three very basic things:
1. Root (O’rooq) – The roots of the most important tree on this earth are:
a) Knowledge (I’lm)
b) Certainty (Yaqeen)
The tree of Iman is the basic belief of Islam. “La ilaha illal lah” “There is nonoe worthy of worship except Allah (swt)” So the root for us of the Tree of Iman, is the KNOWLEDGE of the meaning of “la ilaha illallah”. It covers every single aspect of our life. When we know that there is none other then Allah (swt), we totally surrender to Him alone and we take everything that He gave us through the Quran and the Sunnah of Rasul of Allah (saw). The other half of the root of this tree is the certainty, meaning the certainty of everything what “la ilaha illallah” brings. When implementing Islam in our lives, or when accepting a matter which we were not aware of before, we should do it with firm belief and certainty, as long as it is from the Quran and the authentic Sunnah of Rasul and his companions.
2) Trunk: (Saaq) – The tree of Iman, like the other trees, also has a trunk, which is Purity of Intention: (al-Ikhlas). We must have the purity of intention for our tree to be firm and unshakable and immovable. Abdullah Ibn Sahl at-tuzkuri (ra) (scholar from the taba’een) was asked: “What is al-Iman?”, he said: “Iman is statement, is action, is Niyyah (intention) and is Sunnah. If it is a statement without actions then it is Kufr (disbelief), if it is a statement and action with out intention then it is Nifaq (hypocrisy), if it is a statement, action and intention without the Sunnah, then it is Bid’ah (innovation).” To keep a healthy trunk of our tree, we must have a pure intention of our actions. Our every righteous deed is divided into two parts. The first half of a righteous deed is the purity of intention. The Niyyah must be pure for the pleasure of Allah ONLY!
3) Branches & Fruits: This tree should also have branches and fruits. And these are:
a) Righteous deeds
b) Honorable/Noble Character
At several places in Qur’an, Allah (SWT) has distinguished the people of Jannah from the people of Hell as Indeed those who believed and did righteous deeds. Those who believed and did righteous deeds have also been given the glad tidings of Jannah at several places in Qur’an: Every righteous deed consists of two parts. The first part is the purity of intention (for the sake of Allah only!). Second half of the righteous deed is that the action has to be in conformed to Shari’ah (Qur’an and Sunnah of Rasool (SAW) and the Companions (RA)). If the action is not conformed to Shari’ah, it is not considered a righteous deed! When a tree has firm roots and healthy trunk and branches, it automatically produces good fruits. Similarly, when we establish firm roots of Iman in our heart and keep a healthy trunk and branches of the tree the fruits will prosper. If we have the knowledge of our Deen and certainty of whatever knowledge we have, and we do righteous deeds with pure intentions, we will automatically develop an honorable and noble character.
Things that will Make Our Tree Die:
1) Kufr: If we allow Kufr to come into our tree, it will destroy the tree.
2) Shirk: If we allow shirk to come into our tree, it will also destroy the tree.
3) Bid`ah: If we allow Bid`ah (innovations) of all types to come into our tree, it will destroy our tree. Our tree will become yellow, our tree will become dry and our tree will eventually die!
We nowadays are involved in so many “religious practices” thinking that they are pleasing Allah (swt), though in reality they are getting themselves involved either in Bid`ah or sometimes even to the extant of shirks. Muslims, intentionally or unintentionally, either add or remove stuff from how a certain act was originally practiced by our pious predecessors and hence making it a Bid`ah. And since the act was not practiced according to the “Shari’ah”, it will not be considered a righteous deed. To avoid from getting ourselves involved in these dangerous things, it is extremely important to have the “knowledge” of the Deen and to refer back to our pious predecessors in every single thing we do or say.
What is Al-Iman?
Al-Iman is:
1) Belief: Iman is a belief in our hearts. It is to have a firm belief of “la illah illallah” in our hearts and all of the things that it brings. Every thing that we find from Qur’an and Sunnah, we must have a sincere and firm belief on that without having any doubts.
2) Statement: Iman is a statement by our tongue. We must state “la illaha illallah” by our tongues. Meaning what ever believes we have, we cannot just keep them in our hearts, but we must say them out.
3) Actions: Iman is to carry out our beliefs and our statements by our bodily limbs.
After believing in “la illaha illallah” and stating it, we must imply it in our actions. And the way we imply “la illaha illallah” in our actions is by modifying our every action and deed according to the Qur’an and Sunnah of Rasool SAW and our pious predecessors. A general example of the above could be wearing Hijab. If one has a firm belief in Allah (swt) and whatever He revealed, will definitely believe that wearing Hijab is a command of Allah and it is mandatory. Then only believing is not enough, we must have to admit by stating by our tongues the fact that Hijab is necessary and inform other people about it in a nice pleasing way (not in a displeasing or complaining manner). But still our Iman is not completed until we start wearing it ourselves. To think that Iman is in our hearts only is one of the tricks of Iblis (Satan). We shouldn’t be fooled by the Shaytaan (Satan) of the Ins wal Jin (Humans and Jinns) by thinking that Iman is in our chests only and as long as we have a firm belief, our Iman is completed Rather we HAVE to show our believes by our statements and by our actions.
Highest and Lowest of Iman: Rasool of Allah (saw) said: “Iman has 70 branches. And the highest of al-Iman is the statement “la illaha illallah” (It is the most sublime, the most magnificent and the most superior of all Iman). The lowest of the Iman is to remove some harmful thing from the street. And modesty is a part of al-Iman.”
Iman Wears Out: We all go through high and low levels of Iman. As Rasool of Allah told us: “al-Iman wears out in each and everyone of you and me like a “thaub” (garment) wears out (like our clothes wears out…and they become shabby eventually. Iman wears out like that “thaub”). So Rasool of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) advised us (since our Iman wears out) “So all of you Muslims, should ask Allah (swt) to RENEW the Iman in our hearts.”
By Umm Abdullah from a lecture by Dawud Adib
Source: http://blog.iloveallaah.com/2009/12/tree-of-iman/
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Khutbah terakhir Rasulullah SAW
Khutbah Terakhir Rasulullah
Khutbah ini disampaikan pada 9hb Zulhijjah, tahun 10 Hijriah di Lembah Uranah, Gunung Arafah :
"Wahai manusia, dengarlah baik-baik apa yang hendak kukatakan, Aku tidak mengetahui apakah aku dapat bertemu lagi dengan kamu semua selepas tahun ini. Oleh itu dengarlah dengan telti kata-kataku ini dan sampaikanlah ia kepada orang-orang yang tidak dapat hadir disini pada hari ini.
Wahai manusia, sepertimana kamu menganggap bulan ini dan Kota ini sebagai suci, maka anggaplah jiwa dan harta setiap orang Muslim sebagai amanah suci.Kembalikan harta yang diamanahkan kepada kamu kepada pemiliknya yang berhak.Janganlah kamu sakiti sesiapapun agar orang lain tidak menyakiti kami lagi. Ingatlah bahawa sesungguhnya, kamu akan menemui Tuhan kamu dan Dia pasti membuat perhitungan diatas segala amalan kamu. Allah telah mengharamkan riba, oleh itu segala urusan yang melibatkan riba dibatalkan sekarang.
Berwaspadalah terhadap syaitan demi keselamatan agama kamu. Dia telah berputus asa untuk menyesatkan kamu dalam perkara-perkara besar, maka berjaga-jagalah supaya kamu tidak mengikuti dalam perkara-perkara kecil.
Wahai Manusia Sebagaimana kamu mempunyai hak atas isteri kamu mereka juga mempunyai hak di atas kamu. Sekiranya mereka menyempurnakan hak mereka keatas kamu, maka mereka, juga berhak untuk diberi makan dan pakaian dalam Susana kasih sayang. Layanilah wanita-wanita kamu dengan baik dan berlemah-lembutlah terhadap mereka kerana sesungguhnya mereka adalah teman dan pembantu kamu yang setia. Dan hak kamu atas mereka ialah mereka sama sekali tidak boleh memasukkan orang yang kamu tidak sukai kedalam rumah kamu dan dilarang melakukan zina.
Wahai Manusia, dengarlah bersungguh-sungguh kata-kataku ini, sembahlah Allah, dirikanlah sembahyang lima kali sehari, berpuasalah di bulan Ramadhan, dan tunaikankanlah zakat dari harta kekayaan kamu. Kerjakanlah Ibadah Haji sekiranya kamu mampu. Ketahui bahawa setiap Muslim adalah saudara kepada Muslim yang lain. Kamu semua adalah sama; tidak seorang pun yang lebih mulia dari yang lainnya kecuali dalam Taqwa dan beramal saleh.
Ingatlah, bahawa, kamu akan menghadap Allah pada suatu hari untuk dipertanggung jawabkan diatas segala apa yang telah kamu kerjakan. Oleh itu Awasilah agar jangan sekali-kali kamu terkeluar dari landasan kebenaran selepas ketiadaaku.
Wahai Manusia, tidak ada lagi Nabi atau Rasul yang akan datang selepasku dan tidak akan ada lain agama baru. Oleh itu wahai manusia, nilailah dengan betul dan fahamilah kata-kataku yang telah aku sampaikan kepada kamu. Sesungguhnya aku tinggalkan kepada kamu dua perkara yang sekiranya kamu berpegang teguh dan mengikuti kedua-duanya, necaya kamu tidak akan tersesat selama-lamanya. Itulah ALQURAN dan SUNNAHKU.
Hendaklah orang-orang yang mendengar ucapanku, menyampaikan pula kepada orang lain. Semoga yang terakhir lebih memahami kata-kataku dari mereka yang terus mendengar dariku. Saksikanlah Ya Allah, bahawasanya telah aku sampaikan risalahMu kepada hamba-hambaMU.
- Artikel iluvislam.com
Sumber dari Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM). Layari http://www.islam.gov.my/
Khutbah Terakhir Rasulullah
Khutbah ini disampaikan pada 9hb Zulhijjah, tahun 10 Hijriah di Lembah Uranah, Gunung Arafah :
"Wahai manusia, dengarlah baik-baik apa yang hendak kukatakan, Aku tidak mengetahui apakah aku dapat bertemu lagi dengan kamu semua selepas tahun ini. Oleh itu dengarlah dengan telti kata-kataku ini dan sampaikanlah ia kepada orang-orang yang tidak dapat hadir disini pada hari ini.
Wahai manusia, sepertimana kamu menganggap bulan ini dan Kota ini sebagai suci, maka anggaplah jiwa dan harta setiap orang Muslim sebagai amanah suci.Kembalikan harta yang diamanahkan kepada kamu kepada pemiliknya yang berhak.Janganlah kamu sakiti sesiapapun agar orang lain tidak menyakiti kami lagi. Ingatlah bahawa sesungguhnya, kamu akan menemui Tuhan kamu dan Dia pasti membuat perhitungan diatas segala amalan kamu. Allah telah mengharamkan riba, oleh itu segala urusan yang melibatkan riba dibatalkan sekarang.
Berwaspadalah terhadap syaitan demi keselamatan agama kamu. Dia telah berputus asa untuk menyesatkan kamu dalam perkara-perkara besar, maka berjaga-jagalah supaya kamu tidak mengikuti dalam perkara-perkara kecil.
Wahai Manusia Sebagaimana kamu mempunyai hak atas isteri kamu mereka juga mempunyai hak di atas kamu. Sekiranya mereka menyempurnakan hak mereka keatas kamu, maka mereka, juga berhak untuk diberi makan dan pakaian dalam Susana kasih sayang. Layanilah wanita-wanita kamu dengan baik dan berlemah-lembutlah terhadap mereka kerana sesungguhnya mereka adalah teman dan pembantu kamu yang setia. Dan hak kamu atas mereka ialah mereka sama sekali tidak boleh memasukkan orang yang kamu tidak sukai kedalam rumah kamu dan dilarang melakukan zina.
Wahai Manusia, dengarlah bersungguh-sungguh kata-kataku ini, sembahlah Allah, dirikanlah sembahyang lima kali sehari, berpuasalah di bulan Ramadhan, dan tunaikankanlah zakat dari harta kekayaan kamu. Kerjakanlah Ibadah Haji sekiranya kamu mampu. Ketahui bahawa setiap Muslim adalah saudara kepada Muslim yang lain. Kamu semua adalah sama; tidak seorang pun yang lebih mulia dari yang lainnya kecuali dalam Taqwa dan beramal saleh.
Ingatlah, bahawa, kamu akan menghadap Allah pada suatu hari untuk dipertanggung jawabkan diatas segala apa yang telah kamu kerjakan. Oleh itu Awasilah agar jangan sekali-kali kamu terkeluar dari landasan kebenaran selepas ketiadaaku.
Wahai Manusia, tidak ada lagi Nabi atau Rasul yang akan datang selepasku dan tidak akan ada lain agama baru. Oleh itu wahai manusia, nilailah dengan betul dan fahamilah kata-kataku yang telah aku sampaikan kepada kamu. Sesungguhnya aku tinggalkan kepada kamu dua perkara yang sekiranya kamu berpegang teguh dan mengikuti kedua-duanya, necaya kamu tidak akan tersesat selama-lamanya. Itulah ALQURAN dan SUNNAHKU.
Hendaklah orang-orang yang mendengar ucapanku, menyampaikan pula kepada orang lain. Semoga yang terakhir lebih memahami kata-kataku dari mereka yang terus mendengar dariku. Saksikanlah Ya Allah, bahawasanya telah aku sampaikan risalahMu kepada hamba-hambaMU.
- Artikel iluvislam.com
Sumber dari Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM). Layari http://www.islam.gov.my/
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Kuliah _utube-_Solat, hadith 40, Tafsir
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFpNHg196OM&feature=related (3 - 4)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpAuXfgMz9w&feature=related (4 - 5)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzWK8RVVJAI&feature=related (6 - 12)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TI4f1FE-cjg&feature=related (13-14)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3U3_s7xRPi8&feature=related (15-19)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmViOR0R77k&feature=related (19-23)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7qYSM7ZyJY&feature=related (24-29)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtNqzbqTAJI&feature=related (erti syukur)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GrE84LeaoA&feature=related (kuliah subuh-Ustaz Azman Shapawi)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgmHhV0zPyA&feature=related (mukadimah Sifat Solat Nabi Yang Sahih | siri 1 part (1) | Syeikh Abd Qadir Bin Syed Hussein Aljoofre).
Hadis 40 (Imam Nawawi)- Ustaz Syed Abdul Kadir bin Syed Hussin al-Joofre.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Eq6Zgn6hIA&feature=related (hadis 1-Niat)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ph1ZbJUgQtM&feature=related (hadith 2- Hadis 2 (Islam, Iman, Ihsan)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njcL8SHmFFE&feature=related (hadith 3- (Rukun Islam)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhDJjNTMCTw&feature=related Siri Hadis 40 - Hadis 4 (Penciptaan Manusia)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kn1_pT9j0qM&feature=related (Siri Hadis 40 - Hadis 5 (Bida'ah)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xrz_08dE_JE&feature=related (Siri Hadis 40 - Hadis 6 (Halal dan Haram)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsfLpa_pHxM&feature=related (Siri Hadis 40 - Hadis 7 (Agama Itu Nasihat)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orzRaOwDeqE&feature=related (Hadis 8 - Kehormatan Muslim)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30NrqPpeLkk&feature=related (Hadis 9 - Meninggalkan Yang Terlarang Melakukan Yang Termampu)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmWKwFQwCTc&feature=related (hadith 4- Telaga Biru TV : Ustaz Zahazan - Hadis 40 - Proses Kejadian Manusia).
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88fxiMWASd8&feature=related (hadith 1- Telaga Biru TV : Ustaz Dr Hj Zahazan Mohamed - Hijrah)
Tafsir Al-QURAN
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5vyHbO27zg&feature=related (Ust Dr Hj Zahazan - tafsir Al-Quran (1)- bagaimana untuk mendapatkan kasih Allah) surah al-Maidah ayat 54)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzIPLJTZuwQ&feature=related (tafsir Al-Quran (2-Jihad)
tauhid, perjuangan para nabi dgn kaum masing-masing, asal usul manusia, keengkaran syaitan, menjauhi syirik.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_l47V09-8Oc&feature=related (Ustaz Zahazan - Tafsir Al-Ikhlas)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCYtby9gZgI&feature=related (Ust Zahazan - Tafsir Al-Falaq)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLEpZL3NBZs&feature=related (ZIKIR 1)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZmXuk0ijUg&feature=related (ZIKIR 2)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ5DXDG1Oz8&feature=related (zikir 4)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPJarYM1gNU&feature=related (zikir 5)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Yc6qT8Db4I&feature=related (
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNnT70qkB5g&feature=related (Ustaz Ismail kamus_berkat)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpAuXfgMz9w&feature=related (4 - 5)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzWK8RVVJAI&feature=related (6 - 12)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TI4f1FE-cjg&feature=related (13-14)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3U3_s7xRPi8&feature=related (15-19)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmViOR0R77k&feature=related (19-23)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7qYSM7ZyJY&feature=related (24-29)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtNqzbqTAJI&feature=related (erti syukur)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GrE84LeaoA&feature=related (kuliah subuh-Ustaz Azman Shapawi)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgmHhV0zPyA&feature=related (mukadimah Sifat Solat Nabi Yang Sahih | siri 1 part (1) | Syeikh Abd Qadir Bin Syed Hussein Aljoofre).
Hadis 40 (Imam Nawawi)- Ustaz Syed Abdul Kadir bin Syed Hussin al-Joofre.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Eq6Zgn6hIA&feature=related (hadis 1-Niat)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ph1ZbJUgQtM&feature=related (hadith 2- Hadis 2 (Islam, Iman, Ihsan)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njcL8SHmFFE&feature=related (hadith 3- (Rukun Islam)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhDJjNTMCTw&feature=related Siri Hadis 40 - Hadis 4 (Penciptaan Manusia)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kn1_pT9j0qM&feature=related (Siri Hadis 40 - Hadis 5 (Bida'ah)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xrz_08dE_JE&feature=related (Siri Hadis 40 - Hadis 6 (Halal dan Haram)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsfLpa_pHxM&feature=related (Siri Hadis 40 - Hadis 7 (Agama Itu Nasihat)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orzRaOwDeqE&feature=related (Hadis 8 - Kehormatan Muslim)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30NrqPpeLkk&feature=related (Hadis 9 - Meninggalkan Yang Terlarang Melakukan Yang Termampu)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmWKwFQwCTc&feature=related (hadith 4- Telaga Biru TV : Ustaz Zahazan - Hadis 40 - Proses Kejadian Manusia).
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88fxiMWASd8&feature=related (hadith 1- Telaga Biru TV : Ustaz Dr Hj Zahazan Mohamed - Hijrah)
Tafsir Al-QURAN
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5vyHbO27zg&feature=related (Ust Dr Hj Zahazan - tafsir Al-Quran (1)- bagaimana untuk mendapatkan kasih Allah) surah al-Maidah ayat 54)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzIPLJTZuwQ&feature=related (tafsir Al-Quran (2-Jihad)
tauhid, perjuangan para nabi dgn kaum masing-masing, asal usul manusia, keengkaran syaitan, menjauhi syirik.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_l47V09-8Oc&feature=related (Ustaz Zahazan - Tafsir Al-Ikhlas)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCYtby9gZgI&feature=related (Ust Zahazan - Tafsir Al-Falaq)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLEpZL3NBZs&feature=related (ZIKIR 1)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZmXuk0ijUg&feature=related (ZIKIR 2)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ5DXDG1Oz8&feature=related (zikir 4)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPJarYM1gNU&feature=related (zikir 5)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Yc6qT8Db4I&feature=related (
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNnT70qkB5g&feature=related (Ustaz Ismail kamus_berkat)
ustaz zahazan surah al a'raaf (1)
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