A good tafsir of Surah- Taha by Mufti Menk
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Syukur_ustaz Pahrol
"Syukuri yang sedikit, Allah akan memberi yang banyak. Buat dulu yang termampu, Allah akan bantu untuk membuat yang tidak termampu. Amal dulu ilmu yang ada, nanti Allah akan memberi ilmu yang tiada.
Cubalah sedaya upaya untuk merasa bahagia dengan membuat kebaikan tanpa diketahui oleh orang lain.
Apabila mampu melakukan ketaatan... katakan alhamdulillah. Apabila terlanjur melakukan kejahatan...ucapkan astaghfirullah.
Syukur dan taubat adalah penawar kelelahan diri... di jalan mujahadah!"
(Mutiara kata ustaz Pahrol Mohamad Juoi)
Cubalah sedaya upaya untuk merasa bahagia dengan membuat kebaikan tanpa diketahui oleh orang lain.
Apabila mampu melakukan ketaatan... katakan alhamdulillah. Apabila terlanjur melakukan kejahatan...ucapkan astaghfirullah.
Syukur dan taubat adalah penawar kelelahan diri... di jalan mujahadah!"
(Mutiara kata ustaz Pahrol Mohamad Juoi)
Wishes for self and others
Via Daily Hadith:
Prophet Muhammad (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “None of you is truly,a believer until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself.” [Muslim]
If you get two similar things, one for yourself and one to give as a gift, which one do you keep? You have passed the test of eeman (faith) if you give the better one away. If you give the inferior one away then you need to cultivate your eeman. Strangely, if you behave as though you had eeman, i.e. give the better one away for the pleasure of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala), even though you don’t feel like it, then eeman will automatically develop in you. Eeman and behaviour are mutually reinforcing.
Once Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) had two miswaks (natural toothbrush). One was crooked and the other was straight. Since Allah’s Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) was of the finest character, he truly wanted everyone else to have the best. So he gave the straight miswak to his fellow Sahabah and kept the crooked one for himself.
Is this what you practice in your transactions or do you wish that no one had a car, house, children, education, job or clothes better than yours? Does the good fortune of others make you happy or unhappy? The sign of a true Muslim is that they are happy at the good fortune of others and sad at the misfortune of others.
Prophet Muhammad (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “None of you is truly,a believer until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself.” [Muslim]
If you get two similar things, one for yourself and one to give as a gift, which one do you keep? You have passed the test of eeman (faith) if you give the better one away. If you give the inferior one away then you need to cultivate your eeman. Strangely, if you behave as though you had eeman, i.e. give the better one away for the pleasure of Allah (subhana wa ta'ala), even though you don’t feel like it, then eeman will automatically develop in you. Eeman and behaviour are mutually reinforcing.
Once Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) had two miswaks (natural toothbrush). One was crooked and the other was straight. Since Allah’s Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) was of the finest character, he truly wanted everyone else to have the best. So he gave the straight miswak to his fellow Sahabah and kept the crooked one for himself.
Is this what you practice in your transactions or do you wish that no one had a car, house, children, education, job or clothes better than yours? Does the good fortune of others make you happy or unhappy? The sign of a true Muslim is that they are happy at the good fortune of others and sad at the misfortune of others.
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Pesanan Rasilullah SAW sebelum tidur
SEBELUM tidur, Rasulullah SAW pernah berpesan kepada Saidatina Aisyah :
“Ya Aisyah, jangan engkau tidur, sebelum melakukan 4 perkara iaitu :
Khatam Al Qur’an
Membuatkan para nabi memberi syafaat kepadamu di hari akhirat
Membuatkan para muslim meredhai kamu
Melaksanakan ibadat haji dan umrah.
Bertanya Aisyah :
“Ya Rasulullah, bagaimanakah aku dapat melaksanakan 4 perkara dalam satu masa?”
Rasulullah tersenyum sambil bersabda :
“Jika engkau tidur bacalah Surah Al -Ikhlas 3 kali, (maka ia seolah-olah kau mengkhatamkan Al Qur’an). Dan Bacalah selawat untukKu dan para nabi sebelumku, (maka kami semua akan memberi syafaat kpdmu di hari kiamat). Dan Beristighfarlah untuk para muslimin (maka mereka semua akan meredhai kamu). Dan perbanyakkanlah bertasbih, bertahmid, bertahlil, dan bertakbir (maka ia seolah-olah kamu telah melaksanakan ibadah haji dan umrah)”
Sumber: http://alfikrbazaid.blogspot.com/
“Ya Aisyah, jangan engkau tidur, sebelum melakukan 4 perkara iaitu :
Khatam Al Qur’an
Membuatkan para nabi memberi syafaat kepadamu di hari akhirat
Membuatkan para muslim meredhai kamu
Melaksanakan ibadat haji dan umrah.
Bertanya Aisyah :
“Ya Rasulullah, bagaimanakah aku dapat melaksanakan 4 perkara dalam satu masa?”
Rasulullah tersenyum sambil bersabda :
“Jika engkau tidur bacalah Surah Al -Ikhlas 3 kali, (maka ia seolah-olah kau mengkhatamkan Al Qur’an). Dan Bacalah selawat untukKu dan para nabi sebelumku, (maka kami semua akan memberi syafaat kpdmu di hari kiamat). Dan Beristighfarlah untuk para muslimin (maka mereka semua akan meredhai kamu). Dan perbanyakkanlah bertasbih, bertahmid, bertahlil, dan bertakbir (maka ia seolah-olah kamu telah melaksanakan ibadah haji dan umrah)”
Sumber: http://alfikrbazaid.blogspot.com/
Thursday, 8 March 2012
Doa untuk bertemu Rasaulullah swt.
Doa untuk bertemu Rasululullah S.A.W. di dlm mimpi:
Doa untuk bertemu Rasululullah S.A.W. di dlm mimpi:
Circumcision in female.
MFI Pamphlet #1
by Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad, Ph.D.
Minaret of Freedom Institute
THE MFI PAMPHLET SERIES, initiated by the Minaret of Freedom Institute aims to make widely available, at a minimal cost, a summary of authentic Islamic positions on important issues of the day. These pamphlets are directed to a general audience, yet present positions backed by scholarly research presented elsewhere either in academic papers or conferences or based on opinions issued by qualified scholars.
MFI Pamphlet #1: Female Genital Mutilation: An Islamic Perspective
© 2000 Minaret of Freedom Institute, 4323 Rosedale Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20814 (www.minaret.org) phone: 301-907-0947; e-mail: mfi@minaret.org. Printed by International Graphics, Beltsville, MD. To order this pamphlet in bulk send $30 for 50 copies postpaid to: Minaret of Freedom Institute, 4323 Rosedale Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20814-4750.
A war is raging, with extremists on both sides, over the issue of circumcision. On one side are fanatic secularists whose antipathy to religion has induced them to engage in a crusade against all forms of circumcision, including male circumcision, as a form of child abuse. On the other side are ignorant traditionalists who have ascribed to religious belief cultural traditions involving horrific forms of female genital mutilation (FGM, which they defend as a form of "female circumcision"). In between the extremes are many well-meaning people confused about the actual nature of the scientific evidence and the religious prescriptions regarding all sorts of practices involving any form of cutting in the genital areas.
In this pamphlet we shall concentrate on female genital mutilation. Male circumcision is clearly a Muslim tradition. Although it is not prescribed in the Qur'an, it was definitely approved of by the Prophet and he was himself circumcised. The beneficial health consequences of male circumcision are widely known, although some medical groups have begun to waver as to whether they are sufficiently great to justify the fact that infants are circumcised "against their will." We leave this debate for another time and place and mention it here only so that the lay reader may be aware that there is a broader context to the debate over female genital mutilation, which is the debate over whether any form of infant mutilation, including male circumcision constitutes child abuse. We restrict ourselves here to the subject of female genital mutilation and leave the debates over male circumcision and the piercing of infant girl's ears to another time and place.
A concise discussion of the main subject requires a detailed prolog to clarify some issues regarding both the nature of Islamic law and the medical terms used to identify the various forms of FGM. Understanding the background of the matter will permit the reader to understand the Islamic position on this question.
It must be understood that Islamic law has a well-defined tradition of jurisprudence. The sources of Islamic law include both revelation and reason. The efforts of scholars to attain understanding of the sharî`ah (i.e., the Divine Law) through various tools (which we shall not detail here) is called ijtihâd.
One fundamental of the Islamic law is that what is not prohibited is allowed. This makes for a great deal of tolerance in the religious law. As a result of this tolerance many pre-Islamic practices were not immediately eradicated by Islam. When such practices came to be unpopular (or unfashionable) in future centuries, the tolerance of Islamic jurisprudence was mischaracterized by those inimical to Islam as "backward." It was as if someone from a genteel class of society were to condemn America's toleration for body piercing among its young people as proof of the "barbarism" of American law. It would be wise to remember that there is a great burden of proof that Islam puts upon those who wish to prohibit a practice, and that the requirement for such proof is a strength of the Islamic law. Toleration is a strength, not a weakness.
In this discussion I shall refer to any form of permanent cutting the genitals as "genital mutilation." Some may feel this is prejudicing the case, since the words certainly sound pejorative. I think the term is fair, however, since the purpose of all the procedures under discussion–and the purpose of male circumcision and of the now commonly practiced forms of body piercing, including the piercing of the ears done by almost every Western female–is unquestionably to mutilate those parts of the body cut or pierced. The issue of interest, then, is not whether mutilation is involved but rather whether it is religiously (or morally) and/or medically desirable or contraindicated.
Although there is no reference to circumcision at all in the Qur'an, there is a well-established tradition of male circumcision in Islam as a "sunnah" act. In the Abrahamic tradition this act is understood as a fulfillment of a covenant with God, but there are numerous health reasons for the practice. There is no mandate at all for female circumcision, however, neither in the Qur'an, the traditional reports (called hadith), nor medical theory.
Although female circumcision is not mandated, one tradition of disputed authenticity permits (but does not encourage) the removal of a minuscule segment of skin from the female prepuce, provided no harm is done:
A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina [Madîna]. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to her: 'Do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband.'–Sunan Abu Dawûd, Book 41, #5251.
One does not want to make too much of this tradition, as it is classified as "weak" by Abu Dawud (the compiler) himself. Nonetheless, it clearly forbids severity in circumcision and bases such limitation on both the potential to harm the woman and the potential to make her less desirable to her husband. Yet, despite the restriction against severity, the Prophet did not here prohibit circumcision completely.
Permitting such a ritual constitutes an act of tolerance by Islamic law for pre-Islamic practices, and may be overruled by the Islamic prohibition against harmful acts. Consider, for example, that Islamic law protects a woman's right to sexual enjoyment, as demonstrated by the fact that a woman has the right to divorce on the grounds that her husband does not provide sexual satisfaction. It follows that Islamic law prohibits clitorodectomy (partial or complete removal of the clitoris) or infibulation (excision of part or all of the external genitalia and stitching/narrowing of the vaginal opening), or any genital mutilation which impairs the woman's ability to enjoy sexual relations. Such prohibitions are consistent with the hadithic warning against severity in female circumcision.
If the Islamic law does not mandate female genital mutilation and tolerates only the most mild form of circumcision (and that only if it produces no adverse effects in the child), then how does it come about that so many people from certain countries with large Muslim populations insist that savage acts which exceed these limits are not only permitted, but required by Islamic law? The answer becomes obvious when one realizes that Christians from many of these countries also insist that the tradition is mandated by their religion as well. People often confuse traditions rooted in local culture with religious requirements.
Immigrants from such countries now residing in the United States stand between the culture of their heritage and the American culture of their environment. They cannot and should not be expected to abandon their religion. There should be no doubt, however, that the young amongst them, at least, will be willing to abandon old-world cultural practices at odds with their adopted culture when such practices are unsupported by religion. (This is because they carry no cultural bias towards such practices. On the contrary, they may absorb biases against them from their adopted culture.)
For Muslims, cliterodectomy and infibulation should be considered harâm (prohibited) practices and opposition to it should be part of our ongoing mandate to fight against superstition and oppression. As to the mildest form of female circumcision, the risks to the girl's future ability to enjoy sexual relations with her husband must place it at best in the category of makrûh (disliked) practices. Since it has neither hygienic nor religious value, there is no justification for Muslims to engage in this painful and potentially harmful practice and it would be best to avoid it completely.
Wa Allahu a`lam. (And God knows best.)
Source: http://www.minaret.org/fgm-pamphlet.htm
MFI Pamphlet #1
by Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad, Ph.D.
Minaret of Freedom Institute
THE MFI PAMPHLET SERIES, initiated by the Minaret of Freedom Institute aims to make widely available, at a minimal cost, a summary of authentic Islamic positions on important issues of the day. These pamphlets are directed to a general audience, yet present positions backed by scholarly research presented elsewhere either in academic papers or conferences or based on opinions issued by qualified scholars.
MFI Pamphlet #1: Female Genital Mutilation: An Islamic Perspective
© 2000 Minaret of Freedom Institute, 4323 Rosedale Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20814 (www.minaret.org) phone: 301-907-0947; e-mail: mfi@minaret.org. Printed by International Graphics, Beltsville, MD. To order this pamphlet in bulk send $30 for 50 copies postpaid to: Minaret of Freedom Institute, 4323 Rosedale Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20814-4750.
A war is raging, with extremists on both sides, over the issue of circumcision. On one side are fanatic secularists whose antipathy to religion has induced them to engage in a crusade against all forms of circumcision, including male circumcision, as a form of child abuse. On the other side are ignorant traditionalists who have ascribed to religious belief cultural traditions involving horrific forms of female genital mutilation (FGM, which they defend as a form of "female circumcision"). In between the extremes are many well-meaning people confused about the actual nature of the scientific evidence and the religious prescriptions regarding all sorts of practices involving any form of cutting in the genital areas.
In this pamphlet we shall concentrate on female genital mutilation. Male circumcision is clearly a Muslim tradition. Although it is not prescribed in the Qur'an, it was definitely approved of by the Prophet and he was himself circumcised. The beneficial health consequences of male circumcision are widely known, although some medical groups have begun to waver as to whether they are sufficiently great to justify the fact that infants are circumcised "against their will." We leave this debate for another time and place and mention it here only so that the lay reader may be aware that there is a broader context to the debate over female genital mutilation, which is the debate over whether any form of infant mutilation, including male circumcision constitutes child abuse. We restrict ourselves here to the subject of female genital mutilation and leave the debates over male circumcision and the piercing of infant girl's ears to another time and place.
A concise discussion of the main subject requires a detailed prolog to clarify some issues regarding both the nature of Islamic law and the medical terms used to identify the various forms of FGM. Understanding the background of the matter will permit the reader to understand the Islamic position on this question.
It must be understood that Islamic law has a well-defined tradition of jurisprudence. The sources of Islamic law include both revelation and reason. The efforts of scholars to attain understanding of the sharî`ah (i.e., the Divine Law) through various tools (which we shall not detail here) is called ijtihâd.
One fundamental of the Islamic law is that what is not prohibited is allowed. This makes for a great deal of tolerance in the religious law. As a result of this tolerance many pre-Islamic practices were not immediately eradicated by Islam. When such practices came to be unpopular (or unfashionable) in future centuries, the tolerance of Islamic jurisprudence was mischaracterized by those inimical to Islam as "backward." It was as if someone from a genteel class of society were to condemn America's toleration for body piercing among its young people as proof of the "barbarism" of American law. It would be wise to remember that there is a great burden of proof that Islam puts upon those who wish to prohibit a practice, and that the requirement for such proof is a strength of the Islamic law. Toleration is a strength, not a weakness.
In this discussion I shall refer to any form of permanent cutting the genitals as "genital mutilation." Some may feel this is prejudicing the case, since the words certainly sound pejorative. I think the term is fair, however, since the purpose of all the procedures under discussion–and the purpose of male circumcision and of the now commonly practiced forms of body piercing, including the piercing of the ears done by almost every Western female–is unquestionably to mutilate those parts of the body cut or pierced. The issue of interest, then, is not whether mutilation is involved but rather whether it is religiously (or morally) and/or medically desirable or contraindicated.
Although there is no reference to circumcision at all in the Qur'an, there is a well-established tradition of male circumcision in Islam as a "sunnah" act. In the Abrahamic tradition this act is understood as a fulfillment of a covenant with God, but there are numerous health reasons for the practice. There is no mandate at all for female circumcision, however, neither in the Qur'an, the traditional reports (called hadith), nor medical theory.
Although female circumcision is not mandated, one tradition of disputed authenticity permits (but does not encourage) the removal of a minuscule segment of skin from the female prepuce, provided no harm is done:
A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina [Madîna]. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to her: 'Do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband.'–Sunan Abu Dawûd, Book 41, #5251.
One does not want to make too much of this tradition, as it is classified as "weak" by Abu Dawud (the compiler) himself. Nonetheless, it clearly forbids severity in circumcision and bases such limitation on both the potential to harm the woman and the potential to make her less desirable to her husband. Yet, despite the restriction against severity, the Prophet did not here prohibit circumcision completely.
Permitting such a ritual constitutes an act of tolerance by Islamic law for pre-Islamic practices, and may be overruled by the Islamic prohibition against harmful acts. Consider, for example, that Islamic law protects a woman's right to sexual enjoyment, as demonstrated by the fact that a woman has the right to divorce on the grounds that her husband does not provide sexual satisfaction. It follows that Islamic law prohibits clitorodectomy (partial or complete removal of the clitoris) or infibulation (excision of part or all of the external genitalia and stitching/narrowing of the vaginal opening), or any genital mutilation which impairs the woman's ability to enjoy sexual relations. Such prohibitions are consistent with the hadithic warning against severity in female circumcision.
If the Islamic law does not mandate female genital mutilation and tolerates only the most mild form of circumcision (and that only if it produces no adverse effects in the child), then how does it come about that so many people from certain countries with large Muslim populations insist that savage acts which exceed these limits are not only permitted, but required by Islamic law? The answer becomes obvious when one realizes that Christians from many of these countries also insist that the tradition is mandated by their religion as well. People often confuse traditions rooted in local culture with religious requirements.
Immigrants from such countries now residing in the United States stand between the culture of their heritage and the American culture of their environment. They cannot and should not be expected to abandon their religion. There should be no doubt, however, that the young amongst them, at least, will be willing to abandon old-world cultural practices at odds with their adopted culture when such practices are unsupported by religion. (This is because they carry no cultural bias towards such practices. On the contrary, they may absorb biases against them from their adopted culture.)
For Muslims, cliterodectomy and infibulation should be considered harâm (prohibited) practices and opposition to it should be part of our ongoing mandate to fight against superstition and oppression. As to the mildest form of female circumcision, the risks to the girl's future ability to enjoy sexual relations with her husband must place it at best in the category of makrûh (disliked) practices. Since it has neither hygienic nor religious value, there is no justification for Muslims to engage in this painful and potentially harmful practice and it would be best to avoid it completely.
Wa Allahu a`lam. (And God knows best.)
Source: http://www.minaret.org/fgm-pamphlet.htm
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Adab membaca Al-Quran
Diriwayatkan dalam al-Mustadrak oleh al-Hakim dari Abu Hurairah RA bahawa Nabi SAW bersabda yang bermaksud: “Sesiapa yang membaca 10 ayat, maka dia tidak akan tergolong dari kalangan orang yang lalai.” (2085, hadis sahih mengikut syarat Muslim).
22 adab dan petua membaca Al-Quran
Sumber: http://www.harian-metro-online.com/22-adab-dan-petua-membaca-al-quran
Ketika membaca al-Quran, seorang Muslim perlu memperhatikan adab berikut untuk mendapatkan kesempurnaan pahala dalam membacanya. Membaca Qur’an seharusnya sudah menjadi agenda harian kita. Dengan rutin membaca , maka kita akan dimudahkan melangkah ke tahap selanjutnya yaitu , berusaha mengerti dan memahami makna dari yang rutin kita baca tersebut.
Kita usahakan program rutin membaca Alquran menjadi bagian dari kebutuhan hidup kita, sebagaimana makan dan minum. Agar Al-Qur’an memberi bekas ke dalam hati, ada adab-adab yang perlu Anda perhatikan saat membacanya.
Berikut adalah adab membaca al-Quran dari kitab At-Tibyan fi Adab Hamalat al-Quran oleh al-Imam an-Nawawi yang saya dapat senaraikan kepada 22 perkara, iaitu:
Berniat ikhlas kerana Allah SWT.
Menggosok gigi atau bersiwak sebelum membaca al-Quran.
Membaca dalam keadaan berwuduk.
Mengadap ke arah kiblat.
Memulakan dengan at-Ta’awwuz.
Membaca al-Quran dari Mushaf lebih utama dari membaca tanpa melihat. Walaupun begitu bagi yang ingin menghafaznya, diharuskan membaca dari hafazan tanpa melihat.
Membaca dengan suara yang merdu dan kuat agar dapat dihayati oleh diri sendiri dan orang lain. Al-Imam al-Ghazali ada menyatakan, jika kita bimbang akan timbul riak iaitu ingin menunjuk-nunjuk, maka membaca secara perlahan itu lebih utama. Sebaliknya jika dapat menjaga daripada timbulnya penyakit berkenaan, maka digalakkan membaca dengan suara yang nyaring – Ihya’ Ulumiddin.
Membaca dengan perhatian dan memahami ayat-ayat yang dibacakan.
Membaca dengan tadabbur dan menangis. Antara adab-adab tadabbur itu ialah memperlahankan suara apabila sampai pada ayat yang menyentuh mengenai sifat Allah SWT menurut tafsiran orang kafir. Sebagai contoh orang Yahudi mengatakan Nabi Uzair anak Allah SWT seperti yang disebutkan Allah dalam surah at-Taubah ayat 30. Contoh yang lain ialah persepsi mereka bahawa Allah SWT tidak berkuasa mengurniakan rezeki kepada hamba-Nya seperti yang difirmankan dalam ayat 64 surah al-Maidah.
Memuliakan al-Quran. Kita dilarang membaca al-Quran sambil ketawa ataupun sambil berbual melainkan mengenai sesuatu yang amat penting.
Membaca ayat dan surah mengikut susunannya dalam tertib al-Quran, yang dulu didahulukan dan kemudian dikemudiankan.
Beramal dengan ajaran al-Quran itu.
Sentiasa membaca al-Quran terutama pada waktu pagi kerana Nabi SAW mendoakan keberkatan waktu itu. Diriwayatkan dalam al-Mustadrak oleh al-Hakim dari Abu Hurairah RA bahawa Nabi SAW bersabda yang bermaksud: “Sesiapa yang membaca 10 ayat, maka dia tidak akan tergolong dari kalangan orang yang lalai.” (2085, hadis sahih mengikut syarat Muslim)
Berusaha menghafaz ayat al-Quran dan mengulang-ulang ayat itu supaya sentiasa mengingatinya.
Meletakkan sasaran untuk mengkhatamkan al-Quran itu.
Memanjatkan doa sebaik tamat membaca al-Quran kerana waktu itu adalah antara waktu mustajab doa.
Dilarang membaca al-Quran di tempat yang tidak sewajarnya seperti di dalam tandas.
Mengucup al-Quran kerana dikiaskan dengan mengucup Hajar al-Aswad kerana ia juga hadiah kepada Allah SWT.
Mewangikan al-Quran sebagaimana meletakkan wangian pada Hajar al-Aswad.
Meletakkan al-Quran di tempat yang tinggi.
Berusaha untuk menghayati isi kandungan al-Quran hingga membawa ke peringkat menangis atau menitiskan air mata.
Tidak memberi salam kepada seseorang yang sedang membaca al-Quran.
22 adab dan petua membaca Al-Quran
Sumber: http://www.harian-metro-online.com/22-adab-dan-petua-membaca-al-quran
Ketika membaca al-Quran, seorang Muslim perlu memperhatikan adab berikut untuk mendapatkan kesempurnaan pahala dalam membacanya. Membaca Qur’an seharusnya sudah menjadi agenda harian kita. Dengan rutin membaca , maka kita akan dimudahkan melangkah ke tahap selanjutnya yaitu , berusaha mengerti dan memahami makna dari yang rutin kita baca tersebut.
Kita usahakan program rutin membaca Alquran menjadi bagian dari kebutuhan hidup kita, sebagaimana makan dan minum. Agar Al-Qur’an memberi bekas ke dalam hati, ada adab-adab yang perlu Anda perhatikan saat membacanya.
Berikut adalah adab membaca al-Quran dari kitab At-Tibyan fi Adab Hamalat al-Quran oleh al-Imam an-Nawawi yang saya dapat senaraikan kepada 22 perkara, iaitu:
Berniat ikhlas kerana Allah SWT.
Menggosok gigi atau bersiwak sebelum membaca al-Quran.
Membaca dalam keadaan berwuduk.
Mengadap ke arah kiblat.
Memulakan dengan at-Ta’awwuz.
Membaca al-Quran dari Mushaf lebih utama dari membaca tanpa melihat. Walaupun begitu bagi yang ingin menghafaznya, diharuskan membaca dari hafazan tanpa melihat.
Membaca dengan suara yang merdu dan kuat agar dapat dihayati oleh diri sendiri dan orang lain. Al-Imam al-Ghazali ada menyatakan, jika kita bimbang akan timbul riak iaitu ingin menunjuk-nunjuk, maka membaca secara perlahan itu lebih utama. Sebaliknya jika dapat menjaga daripada timbulnya penyakit berkenaan, maka digalakkan membaca dengan suara yang nyaring – Ihya’ Ulumiddin.
Membaca dengan perhatian dan memahami ayat-ayat yang dibacakan.
Membaca dengan tadabbur dan menangis. Antara adab-adab tadabbur itu ialah memperlahankan suara apabila sampai pada ayat yang menyentuh mengenai sifat Allah SWT menurut tafsiran orang kafir. Sebagai contoh orang Yahudi mengatakan Nabi Uzair anak Allah SWT seperti yang disebutkan Allah dalam surah at-Taubah ayat 30. Contoh yang lain ialah persepsi mereka bahawa Allah SWT tidak berkuasa mengurniakan rezeki kepada hamba-Nya seperti yang difirmankan dalam ayat 64 surah al-Maidah.
Memuliakan al-Quran. Kita dilarang membaca al-Quran sambil ketawa ataupun sambil berbual melainkan mengenai sesuatu yang amat penting.
Membaca ayat dan surah mengikut susunannya dalam tertib al-Quran, yang dulu didahulukan dan kemudian dikemudiankan.
Beramal dengan ajaran al-Quran itu.
Sentiasa membaca al-Quran terutama pada waktu pagi kerana Nabi SAW mendoakan keberkatan waktu itu. Diriwayatkan dalam al-Mustadrak oleh al-Hakim dari Abu Hurairah RA bahawa Nabi SAW bersabda yang bermaksud: “Sesiapa yang membaca 10 ayat, maka dia tidak akan tergolong dari kalangan orang yang lalai.” (2085, hadis sahih mengikut syarat Muslim)
Berusaha menghafaz ayat al-Quran dan mengulang-ulang ayat itu supaya sentiasa mengingatinya.
Meletakkan sasaran untuk mengkhatamkan al-Quran itu.
Memanjatkan doa sebaik tamat membaca al-Quran kerana waktu itu adalah antara waktu mustajab doa.
Dilarang membaca al-Quran di tempat yang tidak sewajarnya seperti di dalam tandas.
Mengucup al-Quran kerana dikiaskan dengan mengucup Hajar al-Aswad kerana ia juga hadiah kepada Allah SWT.
Mewangikan al-Quran sebagaimana meletakkan wangian pada Hajar al-Aswad.
Meletakkan al-Quran di tempat yang tinggi.
Berusaha untuk menghayati isi kandungan al-Quran hingga membawa ke peringkat menangis atau menitiskan air mata.
Tidak memberi salam kepada seseorang yang sedang membaca al-Quran.
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
18 sources of Barakah
Feature Article: 18 sources of Barakah!
by Abu Productive
If we were to look for an Islamic definition of Productivity, it can probably be summarised in the word “barakah” or Blessing. Being able to achieve more with few resources, doing much in little time, and generating a lot with little effort is surely a blessing from Allah (Subahanahu Wa Ta’ala). Yet Barakah has somehow become a lost treasure these days; everyone’s looking for it, but no one seems to find it! You always hear people complaining that there’s no barakah in their time, no barakah in their sleep, no barakah in their money and the rest of it.
In this article, we’ll solve this mystery inshaAllah: we’ll find out what Barakah is and where you can find it!
What is Barakah?
A Well-known daee explains it as follows:
والبركة: هي ثبوت الخير الإلهي في الشيء؛ فإنها إذا حلت في قليل كثرته، وإذا حلت في كثير نفع، ومن أعظم ثمار البركة في الأمور كلها إستعمالها في طاعة الله عز وجل.
“Barakah is the attachment of Divine goodness to a thing, so if it occurs in something little, it increases it. And if it occurs in something much it benefits. And the greatest fruits of Barakah in all things is to use that barakah in the obedience of Allah (Subahanahu Wa Ta’ala)”
Sources of Barakah
I’m a firm believer that Barakah is not a lost treasure, rather, it’s right in front of our eyes! This treasure is only available and ready to be handed over to the one who works for it. Below, I list some of the sources of Barakah. It’s not an exhaustive list, therefore, I do hope you can contribute to it with your comments inshaAllah so we can all share and extend our understanding of this great treasure at ProductiveMuslim.com!
1. Good Intentions
If you want something to have barakah attached to it, have good intentions for it. More specifically, make sure that deed is intended for the sake of Allah (Subahanahu Wa Ta’ala). Looking again at the definition of Barakah, you may guess that without us intending what we have or do for the Sake of Allah, the “Divine goodness” won’t be found in our deeds.
2. Piety and Belief in Allah
Allah says in the Quran: “If the people of the towns had but believed and feared Allah, We should indeed have opened out to them (All kinds of) blessings from heaven and earth…”(Surah Al-A’raf, Verse 96). And He says in the Quran: “And for those who fear Allah, He (ever) prepares a way out. And He provides for him from (sources) he never could imagine” (Surah Al-Talaq, Verses 2-3).
3. Putting your trust in Allah
Allah says in the Quran: “And if any one puts his trust in Allah, sufficient is (Allah) for him. For Allah will surely accomplish his purpose. Verily, for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion” (Surah Al-Talaq, verses 3)
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “If only you relied on Allah a true reliance, He would provide sustenance for you just as He does the birds: They fly out in the morning empty and return in the afternoon with full stomachs. (Ahmad, An-Nasa’I, Ibn Majah, Al-Hakim and At-Tirmidhi)
4. Reading Quran
This is the fountain of Barakah! But subhanaAllah, we rarely drink from it! Allah says in the Quran: “And this is a Book which We have sent down, bringing blessings, and confirming (the revelations) which came before it…” (Surah Al-An’am, Verse 92). So read the Quran, and observe the blessings and barakah of Allah enter your life. The further we are from this Book of Guidance, the less barakah we will have in our lives.
5. Saying Bismillah
When you say “Bismillah” before anything you do, you’re invoking the Name of Allah on that activity; not only will that activity be blessed but shaytaan cannot take part in it! So always say “Bismillah” before anything you do! mSubhanaAllah, it’s easy for us to forget to say “Bismillah”. Sometimes we’re so used to saying it that we cannot remember whether we said it or not! Try to be conscious of saying “Bismillah” and understand what you’re saying before your action is performed.
6. Eating with People
Anyone who has had the experience of inviting guests to his/her house will know this one. No matter how little you think the food you’re presenting to your guest is, it’s always more than enough! (Note: this is not an excuse to be miserly when you invite guests over; in fact we should follow the Sunnah of our Prophet Ibra him (peace be upon him) whom when visited by the angels prepared a large meal for them). What I’m referring to here is the blessing that occurs when eating together, confirmed in the hadeeth of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who said: “Eat together, for blessing is in Jamma’a (congregation or being together)…” and in another hadeeth: “Whoever has food enough for two persons, should take a third one, and whoever has food enough for four persons, should take a fifth or a sixth (or said something similar).” (Bukhari, Volume 4. Book 56. Number 781)
7. Honesty in Trade
This is for all of the business people out there (include ebayers!). We shouldn’t assume lying and deceiving people will make our trade profitable. On the contrary, it will remove the blessing from your trade. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The buyer and the seller have the option of canceling or confirming the bargain unless they separate, and if they spoke the truth and made clear the defects of the goods, then they would be blessed in their bargain, and if they told lies and hid some facts, their bargain would be deprived of Allah’s blessings”.( Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 34, Number 293)
Yes, it’s difficult to be honest when you’re trying to sell something, but trust me it’s worth it.
8. Dua
Ask Allah for barakah! If you take note of some of the Duas of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) you’ll notice that the Prophet used to make dua for barakah. We always say: “May Allah bless you!” Well, guess what? That’s a source of barakah! Also, when you’re invited to someone’s house, Prophet Muhammad advised us to make the following dua for the host: “O Allah, bless for them, that which You have provided them, forgive them and have mercy upon them.”
9. Halal Income/money
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “O people, Allah is good and He therefore, accepts only that which is good” (Scholars say this refers to Halal income and the importance of it).
A scholar also said of the one who eats Haram, that his limbs will disobey Allah whether he likes it or not, and that the one who eats Halal and seeks Halal income, his limbs will also do good and will be given the permission to seek goodness.
This concept of your limbs being ‘blessed’ and enabled to do good is truly a blessing and a barakah we should all seek. It reminds me of a story of an old man who jumped a large distance that the young men were unable to jump. When the young men asked the old man how he did it, he replied: “These are our limbs: we protected them from committing sins when we were young, so Allah preserved them for us when we got old”.
10. Following the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad in everything
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the most Productive Man in the history of humanity is our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Therefore, by simply following his lifestyle and the acts of Sunnah we so often hear about, we obtain a great source of Barakah!
Some of these Sunnahs include: eating Suhoor, eating with the right hand from the side of the plate, going out for Eid Salah, licking your fingers after finishing your meal, sleeping on your right hand side, using the siwaak, and many more. Look out for these Sunnahs and follow them, for imitating the life of the most blessed man on earth is surely a source of blessing!
11. Praying Istikhara
Praying istikhara in all matters and then leaving the outcome to Allah as well as accepting His Decree is a great source of barakah. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught us this beautiful dua which helps us make decisions and not regret the choices we make in the following hadeeth:
On the authority of Jaabir Ibn ‘Abdullah he said: “The Prophet (peace be upon him) would instruct us to pray for guidance in all of our concerns, just as he would teach us a chapter from the Qur’an. He (peace be upon him) would say: ‘If any of you intends to undertake a matter then let him pray two supererogatory units (two rak’ah optional nafil) of prayer and after which he should supplicate:
‘O Allah, I seek Your counsel by Your knowledge and by Your power I seek strength and I ask You from Your immense favour, for verily You are able while I am not and verily You know while I do not and You are the Knower of the unseen. O Allaah, if You know this affair -and here he mentions his need- to be good for me in relation to my religion, my life, and end, then decree and facilitate it for me, and bless me with it, and if You know this affair to be ill for me towards my religion, my life, and end, then remove it from me and remove me from it, and decree for me what is good wherever it be and make me satisfied with such.”
One who seeks guidance from his Creator and consults his fellow believers and then remains firm in his resolve does not regret for Allah has said:
‘…and consult them in the affair. Then when you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah…” [Quran 3: 159]
12. Giving thanks to Allah in abundance
Allah says in the Quran: “If ye are grateful, I will add more (favours) unto you”. A scholar once told me that if one looks into this verse, the Arabic word that is used to confirm that Allah Wills favours unto the person who thanks Him is actually in the form of an Oath – “La azidannakum”. So Allah is promising the person who thanks Him an increase in goodness and blessings, and Allah never breaks His promises.
13. Charity
In a Hadeeth Qudsi, Allah says: “O son of Adam, spend (in charity), and I’ll spend on you!” Whenever you are broke, or you feel barakah is zapped out of your life and urgently need it to return, the quickest of way of gaining barakah in your life can be through giving charity. For example, let’s say barakah was removed from your life due to a sin you committed; charity cleanses your sins, adds good deeds and is a source of barakah.
I cannot describe the instantaneous gratification of giving charity and the barakah that follows it. Try it NOW!
14. Tying your ties of kinship
Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, “Allah created His creation, and when He had finished it, the womb, got up and caught hold of Allah whereupon Allah said, “What is the matter?’ On that, it said, “I seek refuge with you from those who sever the ties of Kith and kin.” On that Allah said, “Will you be satisfied if I bestow My favours on him who keeps your ties, and withhold My favours from him who severs your ties?” On that it said, “Yes, O my Lord!” Then Allah said, “That is for you.” Abu Huraira added: “If you wish, you can recite: ‘Would you then if you were given the authority do mischief in the land and sever your ties of kinship?” (Bukhari, Volume 6. Book 60. Number 354)
15. Waking up early
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Allah made the early hours blessed for my Ummah.”(Ahmed)
This hadeeth was what spurred me to create ProductiveMuslim.com! Such gems of productivity are the sources of blessings which we should seek to make our life productive. Waking up early is such an important step to being blessed and feeling good throughout your day.
Try to wake up for Tahajjud, and then work during the hours before Fajr Salah. If you cannot, then at least wake up for Fajr and stay up till sunrise before you return to sleep. Those hours are filled with Barakah. If you’re able to go to work in those hours, do so, you’ll get much more work done than the whole day put together!
16. Marriage
Allah says in the Quran: “Marry those among you who are single, or the virtuous ones among yourselves, male or female: if they are in poverty, Allah will give them means out of His grace: for Allah encompasseth all, and He Knoweth all things.” (Quran 24:32)
Speaking of marriage, I highly recommend the following training course to anyone seriously thinking of getting married: www.Practimate.com.
17. Salah
Allah says in the Quran: “Enjoin prayer on thy people, and be constant therein. We ask thee not to provide sustenance: We provide it for thee. But the (fruit of) the Hereafter is for righteousness”. To illustrate the point of Salah further, just imagine your life without this great act of ibadah. Where would Barakah come from? For those of you who are still wavering in your Salah, please get back on track; this is your lifeline for the final destination in the hereafter, and the daily food for your soul.
18. Asking Allah for forgiveness
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “If anyone continually asks forgiveness from Allah, Allah will appoint for him a way out of every distress, and a relief from every anxiety, and will provide for him from where he did not reckon.”
I hope this covers most of the sources of Barakah, but as I said before, this is not an exhaustive list. Please add your sources and recommend more tips for us to share!
Source: http://www.productivemuslim.com/18-sources-of-barakah/
by Abu Productive
If we were to look for an Islamic definition of Productivity, it can probably be summarised in the word “barakah” or Blessing. Being able to achieve more with few resources, doing much in little time, and generating a lot with little effort is surely a blessing from Allah (Subahanahu Wa Ta’ala). Yet Barakah has somehow become a lost treasure these days; everyone’s looking for it, but no one seems to find it! You always hear people complaining that there’s no barakah in their time, no barakah in their sleep, no barakah in their money and the rest of it.
In this article, we’ll solve this mystery inshaAllah: we’ll find out what Barakah is and where you can find it!
What is Barakah?
A Well-known daee explains it as follows:
والبركة: هي ثبوت الخير الإلهي في الشيء؛ فإنها إذا حلت في قليل كثرته، وإذا حلت في كثير نفع، ومن أعظم ثمار البركة في الأمور كلها إستعمالها في طاعة الله عز وجل.
“Barakah is the attachment of Divine goodness to a thing, so if it occurs in something little, it increases it. And if it occurs in something much it benefits. And the greatest fruits of Barakah in all things is to use that barakah in the obedience of Allah (Subahanahu Wa Ta’ala)”
Sources of Barakah
I’m a firm believer that Barakah is not a lost treasure, rather, it’s right in front of our eyes! This treasure is only available and ready to be handed over to the one who works for it. Below, I list some of the sources of Barakah. It’s not an exhaustive list, therefore, I do hope you can contribute to it with your comments inshaAllah so we can all share and extend our understanding of this great treasure at ProductiveMuslim.com!
1. Good Intentions
If you want something to have barakah attached to it, have good intentions for it. More specifically, make sure that deed is intended for the sake of Allah (Subahanahu Wa Ta’ala). Looking again at the definition of Barakah, you may guess that without us intending what we have or do for the Sake of Allah, the “Divine goodness” won’t be found in our deeds.
2. Piety and Belief in Allah
Allah says in the Quran: “If the people of the towns had but believed and feared Allah, We should indeed have opened out to them (All kinds of) blessings from heaven and earth…”(Surah Al-A’raf, Verse 96). And He says in the Quran: “And for those who fear Allah, He (ever) prepares a way out. And He provides for him from (sources) he never could imagine” (Surah Al-Talaq, Verses 2-3).
3. Putting your trust in Allah
Allah says in the Quran: “And if any one puts his trust in Allah, sufficient is (Allah) for him. For Allah will surely accomplish his purpose. Verily, for all things has Allah appointed a due proportion” (Surah Al-Talaq, verses 3)
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “If only you relied on Allah a true reliance, He would provide sustenance for you just as He does the birds: They fly out in the morning empty and return in the afternoon with full stomachs. (Ahmad, An-Nasa’I, Ibn Majah, Al-Hakim and At-Tirmidhi)
4. Reading Quran
This is the fountain of Barakah! But subhanaAllah, we rarely drink from it! Allah says in the Quran: “And this is a Book which We have sent down, bringing blessings, and confirming (the revelations) which came before it…” (Surah Al-An’am, Verse 92). So read the Quran, and observe the blessings and barakah of Allah enter your life. The further we are from this Book of Guidance, the less barakah we will have in our lives.
5. Saying Bismillah
When you say “Bismillah” before anything you do, you’re invoking the Name of Allah on that activity; not only will that activity be blessed but shaytaan cannot take part in it! So always say “Bismillah” before anything you do! mSubhanaAllah, it’s easy for us to forget to say “Bismillah”. Sometimes we’re so used to saying it that we cannot remember whether we said it or not! Try to be conscious of saying “Bismillah” and understand what you’re saying before your action is performed.
6. Eating with People
Anyone who has had the experience of inviting guests to his/her house will know this one. No matter how little you think the food you’re presenting to your guest is, it’s always more than enough! (Note: this is not an excuse to be miserly when you invite guests over; in fact we should follow the Sunnah of our Prophet Ibra him (peace be upon him) whom when visited by the angels prepared a large meal for them). What I’m referring to here is the blessing that occurs when eating together, confirmed in the hadeeth of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who said: “Eat together, for blessing is in Jamma’a (congregation or being together)…” and in another hadeeth: “Whoever has food enough for two persons, should take a third one, and whoever has food enough for four persons, should take a fifth or a sixth (or said something similar).” (Bukhari, Volume 4. Book 56. Number 781)
7. Honesty in Trade
This is for all of the business people out there (include ebayers!). We shouldn’t assume lying and deceiving people will make our trade profitable. On the contrary, it will remove the blessing from your trade. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The buyer and the seller have the option of canceling or confirming the bargain unless they separate, and if they spoke the truth and made clear the defects of the goods, then they would be blessed in their bargain, and if they told lies and hid some facts, their bargain would be deprived of Allah’s blessings”.( Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 34, Number 293)
Yes, it’s difficult to be honest when you’re trying to sell something, but trust me it’s worth it.
8. Dua
Ask Allah for barakah! If you take note of some of the Duas of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) you’ll notice that the Prophet used to make dua for barakah. We always say: “May Allah bless you!” Well, guess what? That’s a source of barakah! Also, when you’re invited to someone’s house, Prophet Muhammad advised us to make the following dua for the host: “O Allah, bless for them, that which You have provided them, forgive them and have mercy upon them.”
9. Halal Income/money
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “O people, Allah is good and He therefore, accepts only that which is good” (Scholars say this refers to Halal income and the importance of it).
A scholar also said of the one who eats Haram, that his limbs will disobey Allah whether he likes it or not, and that the one who eats Halal and seeks Halal income, his limbs will also do good and will be given the permission to seek goodness.
This concept of your limbs being ‘blessed’ and enabled to do good is truly a blessing and a barakah we should all seek. It reminds me of a story of an old man who jumped a large distance that the young men were unable to jump. When the young men asked the old man how he did it, he replied: “These are our limbs: we protected them from committing sins when we were young, so Allah preserved them for us when we got old”.
10. Following the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad in everything
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the most Productive Man in the history of humanity is our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Therefore, by simply following his lifestyle and the acts of Sunnah we so often hear about, we obtain a great source of Barakah!
Some of these Sunnahs include: eating Suhoor, eating with the right hand from the side of the plate, going out for Eid Salah, licking your fingers after finishing your meal, sleeping on your right hand side, using the siwaak, and many more. Look out for these Sunnahs and follow them, for imitating the life of the most blessed man on earth is surely a source of blessing!
11. Praying Istikhara
Praying istikhara in all matters and then leaving the outcome to Allah as well as accepting His Decree is a great source of barakah. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught us this beautiful dua which helps us make decisions and not regret the choices we make in the following hadeeth:
On the authority of Jaabir Ibn ‘Abdullah he said: “The Prophet (peace be upon him) would instruct us to pray for guidance in all of our concerns, just as he would teach us a chapter from the Qur’an. He (peace be upon him) would say: ‘If any of you intends to undertake a matter then let him pray two supererogatory units (two rak’ah optional nafil) of prayer and after which he should supplicate:
‘O Allah, I seek Your counsel by Your knowledge and by Your power I seek strength and I ask You from Your immense favour, for verily You are able while I am not and verily You know while I do not and You are the Knower of the unseen. O Allaah, if You know this affair -and here he mentions his need- to be good for me in relation to my religion, my life, and end, then decree and facilitate it for me, and bless me with it, and if You know this affair to be ill for me towards my religion, my life, and end, then remove it from me and remove me from it, and decree for me what is good wherever it be and make me satisfied with such.”
One who seeks guidance from his Creator and consults his fellow believers and then remains firm in his resolve does not regret for Allah has said:
‘…and consult them in the affair. Then when you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah…” [Quran 3: 159]
12. Giving thanks to Allah in abundance
Allah says in the Quran: “If ye are grateful, I will add more (favours) unto you”. A scholar once told me that if one looks into this verse, the Arabic word that is used to confirm that Allah Wills favours unto the person who thanks Him is actually in the form of an Oath – “La azidannakum”. So Allah is promising the person who thanks Him an increase in goodness and blessings, and Allah never breaks His promises.
13. Charity
In a Hadeeth Qudsi, Allah says: “O son of Adam, spend (in charity), and I’ll spend on you!” Whenever you are broke, or you feel barakah is zapped out of your life and urgently need it to return, the quickest of way of gaining barakah in your life can be through giving charity. For example, let’s say barakah was removed from your life due to a sin you committed; charity cleanses your sins, adds good deeds and is a source of barakah.
I cannot describe the instantaneous gratification of giving charity and the barakah that follows it. Try it NOW!
14. Tying your ties of kinship
Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, “Allah created His creation, and when He had finished it, the womb, got up and caught hold of Allah whereupon Allah said, “What is the matter?’ On that, it said, “I seek refuge with you from those who sever the ties of Kith and kin.” On that Allah said, “Will you be satisfied if I bestow My favours on him who keeps your ties, and withhold My favours from him who severs your ties?” On that it said, “Yes, O my Lord!” Then Allah said, “That is for you.” Abu Huraira added: “If you wish, you can recite: ‘Would you then if you were given the authority do mischief in the land and sever your ties of kinship?” (Bukhari, Volume 6. Book 60. Number 354)
15. Waking up early
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Allah made the early hours blessed for my Ummah.”(Ahmed)
This hadeeth was what spurred me to create ProductiveMuslim.com! Such gems of productivity are the sources of blessings which we should seek to make our life productive. Waking up early is such an important step to being blessed and feeling good throughout your day.
Try to wake up for Tahajjud, and then work during the hours before Fajr Salah. If you cannot, then at least wake up for Fajr and stay up till sunrise before you return to sleep. Those hours are filled with Barakah. If you’re able to go to work in those hours, do so, you’ll get much more work done than the whole day put together!
16. Marriage
Allah says in the Quran: “Marry those among you who are single, or the virtuous ones among yourselves, male or female: if they are in poverty, Allah will give them means out of His grace: for Allah encompasseth all, and He Knoweth all things.” (Quran 24:32)
Speaking of marriage, I highly recommend the following training course to anyone seriously thinking of getting married: www.Practimate.com.
17. Salah
Allah says in the Quran: “Enjoin prayer on thy people, and be constant therein. We ask thee not to provide sustenance: We provide it for thee. But the (fruit of) the Hereafter is for righteousness”. To illustrate the point of Salah further, just imagine your life without this great act of ibadah. Where would Barakah come from? For those of you who are still wavering in your Salah, please get back on track; this is your lifeline for the final destination in the hereafter, and the daily food for your soul.
18. Asking Allah for forgiveness
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “If anyone continually asks forgiveness from Allah, Allah will appoint for him a way out of every distress, and a relief from every anxiety, and will provide for him from where he did not reckon.”
I hope this covers most of the sources of Barakah, but as I said before, this is not an exhaustive list. Please add your sources and recommend more tips for us to share!
Source: http://www.productivemuslim.com/18-sources-of-barakah/
Killing an innocent soul..
The Real Faith
Whoever kills an innocent soul.. it is as if he killed the whole of mankind, And whoever saves one, it is as if he saved the whole of mankind.
[The Quran, 5:32]
Whoever kills an innocent soul.. it is as if he killed the whole of mankind, And whoever saves one, it is as if he saved the whole of mankind.
[The Quran, 5:32]
Adab menuntut Ilmu
Kepentingan Adab Dalam Menuntut Ilmu
Oleh : Ustaz Syed Abdul Kadir al Joofre
Alhamdulillah, dengan taufiq Allah selesai pembacaan kitab Ta’limul Muta’allim semalam di Shoubra. Moga sama-sama yang mengajar dan yang belajar dapat faedah.
Pada permulaan kitab ini, Assyaikh Burhanul Islam Azzarnuji telah menulis:
“Maka apabila aku melihat ramai penuntut ilmu pada zaman kita ini bersungguh-sungguh kepada ilmu, dan mereka tidak sampai pula (tidak mendapat manfaat dan hasilnya iaitu beramal dan menyebarkannya), terhalang kerana bahawasanya mereka telah salah jalannya dan meninggalkan syarat-syaratnya. Dan setiap yang tersalah jalan akan sesat, dan tidak mendapati tujuan, sedikit mahupun banyak. Maka aku ingin dan suka menerangkan kepada mereka jalan menuntut ilmu….”
Seterusnya Assyaikh Azzarnuji pun menyebutkan adab-adab atau jalan-jalan menuntut ilmu daripada niat menuntut ilmu itu sendiri hinggalah kepada memilih guru dan rakan-rakan, pentingnya mengagungkan ilmu dan ulamak, warak dan pelbagai lagi jalan yang sebenar dalam menuntu ilmu.
Saya sebutkan perkara di atas apabila mendapati pada zaman kita hari ini, terlalu banyak (dan tentu lebih banyak lagi dari zaman Imam Zarnuji hampir 10 abad yang lalu) di kalangan kita yang mencari ilmu dengan bersungguh-sungguh, akan tetapi tidak mendapat faedah daripada ilmunya, baik untuk dirinya sendiri mahupun untuk masyarakat. Malah hari ini ramai yang bukan dari aliran agama pun ingin belajar ilmu agama. Sangat baik. Tetapi mengapa tidak didapati barakahnya?
Antara sebabnya adalah “tersalah jalan” itu sendiri. Adab menuntut ilmu sudah terlalu jauh untuk diamalkan. Ingatlah menuntut ilmu agama ini bukanlah dengan mengumpul dan menghadam maklumat di otak kita sahaja. Saya selalu sebutkan, jika demikianlah, maka harddisk saya jauh lebih alim dari kita semua. Di dalamnya mengandungi hampir 100 Gigabyte maklumat dari jutaan helaian kitab. Kita, berapa helai sangat dapat menghafal?
Salah jalan ini biasanya berlaku pada perkara-perkara yang telah disebutkan oleh Syaikh Azzarnuji itu sendiri. Saya sebutkan tiga daripadanya:
1) Niat
- Berapa ramai di kalangan kita belajar kerana mudah bekerja dan mengumpul harta dunia nanti dengan sekeping pengiktirafan ijazah?
- Berapa ramai pula yang belajar untuk menunjukkan diri lebih alim daripada orang lain?
- Berapa ramai pula yang belajar untuk menjadikan dirinya dipuji dan dihormati?
- Berapa ramai pula di kalangan kita yang belajar untuk mencari-cari kesalahan ulamak terdahulu?
- Berapa ramai yang belajar untuk mencari bukti bahawa pendapat aku sahaja yang betul sedangkan amalan ummat Islam di Malaysia sebenarnya salah belaka?
- Berapa ramai pula menutut ilmu tanpa diniatkan langsung untuk balik ke tempat masing-masing bagi berjuang menegakkan Islam?
2) Memilih guru
- Berapa ramai di kalangan kita yang tidak berhati-hati memilih guru lantas belajar dengan orang yang tidak betul pemikirannya?
- Berapa ramai di kalangan kita yang belajar dengan guru yang tidak menjaga adab sebagai guru (mengutuk sana sini, mencerca alim ulamak, tidak berakhlak dalam kata-kata mahupun perbuatan dsb.)?
- Berapa ramai di kalangan kita belajar sesuatu ilmu bukan dari ahlinya (belajar Feqh dari jurutera, belajar hadis dari ahli bahasa dsb.)?
-Lebih teruk lagi, berapa ramai pula yang belajar tanpa guru? Membaca sana dan sini, lalu mengambil fahaman sendiri daripada penulisan ulamak.
3) Mengagungkan ilmu dan ulamak
- Berapa ramai dari kita yang mengetahui cara mengagungkan ilmu yang disebutkan oleh para ulamak terdahulu?
- Berapa ramai di kalangan kita yang tidak menghormati kitab ilmu?
- Berapa ramai di kalangan kita yang meletakkan ilmunya sendiri di tempat yang rendah, lalu dengan mudah boleh dijual beli dengan kepentingan dunia?
- Berapa ramai pula yang tahu adab sebagai seorang murid tetapi tidak tahu atau tidak mempraktikkan ada sebagai guru?
- Berapa ramai yang tidak pula tahu membezakan antara meletakkan ilmu di tempat yang tinggi dengan takabbur atau menghina diri?
- Berapa ramai pula tidak reti-reti beradab dengan para ulamak agung, lalu diletakkan ulamak itu setaraf dengannya dalam pemikiran dan pemahaman dengan alasan mereka jua manusia yang tidak maksum?
- Berapa ramai di kalangan kita yang terpengaruh dengan kalam beberapa kerat ustaz mee celup hari ini yang dengan lantang mengkritik ulamak silam, lalu merasa sangsi dengan para ulamak itu?
- Berapa ramai di kalangan kita yang bermulut celupar mengutuk deretan ulamak yang sudah lama mengorbankan diri untuk perjuangan Islam?
- Berapa ramai pula yang bermulut celupar terhadap para ulamak terdahulu dan dengan sesedap hati mengatakan ulamak terdahulu sesat, melakukan bid’ah, berfalsampah dalam bab Aqidah, dan pelbagai lagi kata nista?
Apabila kita nilai semula semua persoalan di atas, tentu sekali kita akan menjawab, “teralalu banyak.” Maka tidak hairanlah apabila kita dapati terlalu banyak orang yang ingin mendalami ilmu agama, akan tetapi jauh tersasar dari kebenaran, barakah tiada, manfaat juga sirna, lalu tidak dapat menegakkan yang haq.
Jelaslah pada kita betapa pentingnya adab dalam menuntut dan menyebarkan ilmu. Tiada adab, nescaya tersalah jalanlah kita. Salah jalan bermakna sesat. Kalau orang yang belajar agama pun boleh sesat, bagaimana pula dengan yang tidak mahukan agama kan…
Penulis : Ustaz Syed Abdul Kadir Aljoofre
Pengkhususan : Ijazah Sarjana Muda (Kepujian) dalam bidang Syariah dari Universiti Al-Azhar, Mesir dan seterusnya meyambung Sarjana Syariah juga di Mesir (Feqh Perbandingan Mazhab) (kajian bertajuk: Hukum hakam Masjid : Kajian Perbandingan Mazhab dan Permasalahan Kontemporari).
Kini bertugas sebagai pegawai di Sekretariat Himpunan Ulama’ Rantau Asia (SHURA)
Sumber: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=313973565330952&id=108304072564570
Oleh : Ustaz Syed Abdul Kadir al Joofre
Alhamdulillah, dengan taufiq Allah selesai pembacaan kitab Ta’limul Muta’allim semalam di Shoubra. Moga sama-sama yang mengajar dan yang belajar dapat faedah.
Pada permulaan kitab ini, Assyaikh Burhanul Islam Azzarnuji telah menulis:
“Maka apabila aku melihat ramai penuntut ilmu pada zaman kita ini bersungguh-sungguh kepada ilmu, dan mereka tidak sampai pula (tidak mendapat manfaat dan hasilnya iaitu beramal dan menyebarkannya), terhalang kerana bahawasanya mereka telah salah jalannya dan meninggalkan syarat-syaratnya. Dan setiap yang tersalah jalan akan sesat, dan tidak mendapati tujuan, sedikit mahupun banyak. Maka aku ingin dan suka menerangkan kepada mereka jalan menuntut ilmu….”
Seterusnya Assyaikh Azzarnuji pun menyebutkan adab-adab atau jalan-jalan menuntut ilmu daripada niat menuntut ilmu itu sendiri hinggalah kepada memilih guru dan rakan-rakan, pentingnya mengagungkan ilmu dan ulamak, warak dan pelbagai lagi jalan yang sebenar dalam menuntu ilmu.
Saya sebutkan perkara di atas apabila mendapati pada zaman kita hari ini, terlalu banyak (dan tentu lebih banyak lagi dari zaman Imam Zarnuji hampir 10 abad yang lalu) di kalangan kita yang mencari ilmu dengan bersungguh-sungguh, akan tetapi tidak mendapat faedah daripada ilmunya, baik untuk dirinya sendiri mahupun untuk masyarakat. Malah hari ini ramai yang bukan dari aliran agama pun ingin belajar ilmu agama. Sangat baik. Tetapi mengapa tidak didapati barakahnya?
Antara sebabnya adalah “tersalah jalan” itu sendiri. Adab menuntut ilmu sudah terlalu jauh untuk diamalkan. Ingatlah menuntut ilmu agama ini bukanlah dengan mengumpul dan menghadam maklumat di otak kita sahaja. Saya selalu sebutkan, jika demikianlah, maka harddisk saya jauh lebih alim dari kita semua. Di dalamnya mengandungi hampir 100 Gigabyte maklumat dari jutaan helaian kitab. Kita, berapa helai sangat dapat menghafal?
Salah jalan ini biasanya berlaku pada perkara-perkara yang telah disebutkan oleh Syaikh Azzarnuji itu sendiri. Saya sebutkan tiga daripadanya:
1) Niat
- Berapa ramai di kalangan kita belajar kerana mudah bekerja dan mengumpul harta dunia nanti dengan sekeping pengiktirafan ijazah?
- Berapa ramai pula yang belajar untuk menunjukkan diri lebih alim daripada orang lain?
- Berapa ramai pula yang belajar untuk menjadikan dirinya dipuji dan dihormati?
- Berapa ramai pula di kalangan kita yang belajar untuk mencari-cari kesalahan ulamak terdahulu?
- Berapa ramai yang belajar untuk mencari bukti bahawa pendapat aku sahaja yang betul sedangkan amalan ummat Islam di Malaysia sebenarnya salah belaka?
- Berapa ramai pula menutut ilmu tanpa diniatkan langsung untuk balik ke tempat masing-masing bagi berjuang menegakkan Islam?
2) Memilih guru
- Berapa ramai di kalangan kita yang tidak berhati-hati memilih guru lantas belajar dengan orang yang tidak betul pemikirannya?
- Berapa ramai di kalangan kita yang belajar dengan guru yang tidak menjaga adab sebagai guru (mengutuk sana sini, mencerca alim ulamak, tidak berakhlak dalam kata-kata mahupun perbuatan dsb.)?
- Berapa ramai di kalangan kita belajar sesuatu ilmu bukan dari ahlinya (belajar Feqh dari jurutera, belajar hadis dari ahli bahasa dsb.)?
-Lebih teruk lagi, berapa ramai pula yang belajar tanpa guru? Membaca sana dan sini, lalu mengambil fahaman sendiri daripada penulisan ulamak.
3) Mengagungkan ilmu dan ulamak
- Berapa ramai dari kita yang mengetahui cara mengagungkan ilmu yang disebutkan oleh para ulamak terdahulu?
- Berapa ramai di kalangan kita yang tidak menghormati kitab ilmu?
- Berapa ramai di kalangan kita yang meletakkan ilmunya sendiri di tempat yang rendah, lalu dengan mudah boleh dijual beli dengan kepentingan dunia?
- Berapa ramai pula yang tahu adab sebagai seorang murid tetapi tidak tahu atau tidak mempraktikkan ada sebagai guru?
- Berapa ramai yang tidak pula tahu membezakan antara meletakkan ilmu di tempat yang tinggi dengan takabbur atau menghina diri?
- Berapa ramai pula tidak reti-reti beradab dengan para ulamak agung, lalu diletakkan ulamak itu setaraf dengannya dalam pemikiran dan pemahaman dengan alasan mereka jua manusia yang tidak maksum?
- Berapa ramai di kalangan kita yang terpengaruh dengan kalam beberapa kerat ustaz mee celup hari ini yang dengan lantang mengkritik ulamak silam, lalu merasa sangsi dengan para ulamak itu?
- Berapa ramai di kalangan kita yang bermulut celupar mengutuk deretan ulamak yang sudah lama mengorbankan diri untuk perjuangan Islam?
- Berapa ramai pula yang bermulut celupar terhadap para ulamak terdahulu dan dengan sesedap hati mengatakan ulamak terdahulu sesat, melakukan bid’ah, berfalsampah dalam bab Aqidah, dan pelbagai lagi kata nista?
Apabila kita nilai semula semua persoalan di atas, tentu sekali kita akan menjawab, “teralalu banyak.” Maka tidak hairanlah apabila kita dapati terlalu banyak orang yang ingin mendalami ilmu agama, akan tetapi jauh tersasar dari kebenaran, barakah tiada, manfaat juga sirna, lalu tidak dapat menegakkan yang haq.
Jelaslah pada kita betapa pentingnya adab dalam menuntut dan menyebarkan ilmu. Tiada adab, nescaya tersalah jalanlah kita. Salah jalan bermakna sesat. Kalau orang yang belajar agama pun boleh sesat, bagaimana pula dengan yang tidak mahukan agama kan…
Penulis : Ustaz Syed Abdul Kadir Aljoofre
Pengkhususan : Ijazah Sarjana Muda (Kepujian) dalam bidang Syariah dari Universiti Al-Azhar, Mesir dan seterusnya meyambung Sarjana Syariah juga di Mesir (Feqh Perbandingan Mazhab) (kajian bertajuk: Hukum hakam Masjid : Kajian Perbandingan Mazhab dan Permasalahan Kontemporari).
Kini bertugas sebagai pegawai di Sekretariat Himpunan Ulama’ Rantau Asia (SHURA)
Sumber: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=313973565330952&id=108304072564570
Monday, 5 March 2012
Via Zaharuddin.net
Nabi menyebut " Kebaikan itu adalah kemuliaan akhlak & dosa itu adalah apabila kamu sedang lakukannya, hatimu tidak tenang dan kamu tidak mahu ia diketahui oleh manusia" (Riwayat Muslim). Erti hadith ini adalah bagi insan yg masih punyai iman, hatinya tidak keruan; namun bagi pencinta maksiat & hati yg mati, dosa adalah menghiburkan.
Nabi menyebut " Kebaikan itu adalah kemuliaan akhlak & dosa itu adalah apabila kamu sedang lakukannya, hatimu tidak tenang dan kamu tidak mahu ia diketahui oleh manusia" (Riwayat Muslim). Erti hadith ini adalah bagi insan yg masih punyai iman, hatinya tidak keruan; namun bagi pencinta maksiat & hati yg mati, dosa adalah menghiburkan.
The Daily Taskinator
Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said “O Allah, bless my Ummah in its early hours”. The time after fajr has so much ‘Barakah’ (blessing) that you’ll be amazed at how much you can achieve in these early hours.
Good tip and info on The Daily Taskinator fr here:
Good tip and info on The Daily Taskinator fr here:
Tidur gaya Rasulullah SWT
Hidupkan sunnah dgn mengikut adab tidur Rasulullah SAW:
1. Baca doa tidur, Ayat Qursi, 4 Qul, Al-Fatihah, tiup ke tapak tangan & sapu ke seluruh badan.
2. Bertasbih & berzikir sehingga terlelap.
3. Ambil wudhu’ & bersiwak.
4. Maafkan semua kesalahan orang pada kita.
5. Tidur dengan mengiring badan ke kanan & tapak tangan kanan di bawah pipi.
6. Niat untuk bangun Tahajjud.
Via https://www.facebook.com/tvalhijrah.TVAH
1. Baca doa tidur, Ayat Qursi, 4 Qul, Al-Fatihah, tiup ke tapak tangan & sapu ke seluruh badan.
2. Bertasbih & berzikir sehingga terlelap.
3. Ambil wudhu’ & bersiwak.
4. Maafkan semua kesalahan orang pada kita.
5. Tidur dengan mengiring badan ke kanan & tapak tangan kanan di bawah pipi.
6. Niat untuk bangun Tahajjud.
Via https://www.facebook.com/tvalhijrah.TVAH
Saturday, 3 March 2012
1. Orang yang tidur dalam keadaan bersuci.
2. Orang yang sedang duduk menunggu waktu solat.
3. Orang yang berada di saf depan solat berjemaah.
4. Orang yang menyambung saf pada solat berjemaah (tidak membiarkan kekosongan di dalam saf).
5, Kalangan malaikat mengucapkan ‘amin’ ketika seorang imam selesai membaca al-Fatihah.
6. Orang yang duduk di tempat solatnya selepas melakukan solat.
7. Orang yang melakukan solat Subuh dan Asar secara berjemaah.
8. Orang yang mendoakan saudaranya tanpa pengetahuan orang yang didoakan.
9. Orang yang membelanjakan harta (infak).
10. Orang yang sedang makan sahur.
11. Orang yang sedang menjenguk (melawat) orang sakit.
1. Orang yang tidur dalam keadaan bersuci.
2. Orang yang sedang duduk menunggu waktu solat.
3. Orang yang berada di saf depan solat berjemaah.
4. Orang yang menyambung saf pada solat berjemaah (tidak membiarkan kekosongan di dalam saf).
5, Kalangan malaikat mengucapkan ‘amin’ ketika seorang imam selesai membaca al-Fatihah.
6. Orang yang duduk di tempat solatnya selepas melakukan solat.
7. Orang yang melakukan solat Subuh dan Asar secara berjemaah.
8. Orang yang mendoakan saudaranya tanpa pengetahuan orang yang didoakan.
9. Orang yang membelanjakan harta (infak).
10. Orang yang sedang makan sahur.
11. Orang yang sedang menjenguk (melawat) orang sakit.
Tidur meniarap
Kita dilarang tidur meniarap.
Tidur meniarap adalah dilarang oleh Islam. Abu Hurairah r.a telah meriwayatkan hadis dari Rasulullah s.a.w . Baginda melihat seorg lelaki meniarap. Lalu baginda bersabda:
إن هذه ضجعة يبغضها الله ورسوله
Maksudnya: “Sesungguhnya ini adalah cara baring yang dimurkai oleh Allah dan Rasulnya.” (Hr Tirimizi dan Ahmad-hasan lighairihi)
Cara Tidur Nabi Dan Kajian Semasa
Berapa jamkah yang diperlukan untuk tidur setiap malam? Nabi tidak menyebutkan kadar masanya secara khusus. Baginda sekadar menyebutkan:
“Hendaklah salah seorang di antara kamu bersembahyang ketika dirinya cergas.” (Bukhari-Muslim)
dan di dalam riwayat yang lain, Baginda bersabda:
“Hendaklah kamu tidur sehingga hilang rasa mengantuk.” (Bukhari-Muslim)
Ini menunjukkan bahawa kadar masanya berbeza di antara seorang dengan seorang yang lain. Yang penting ialah tidur yang menghilangkan rasa mengantuk dan menghasilkan kecergasan.
Pakar-pakar tidur telah bersetuju bahawa keperluan tidur tidak sama bagi setiap orang. Tidur yang optima ialah kadar yang tidak mendatangkan rasa mengantuk ketika sedang memberikan tumpuan kepada sesuatu. Bagi sesetengah orang, kadar optimanya ialah 5-6 jam setiap malam. Namun biasanya bagi yang dewasa ialah 7-8 jam. (Michelle Moore: ‘Catching Those ZZZZ’s')
Beberapa hadis Nabi telah meriwayatkan tentang cara tidur yang baik dan keji yang perlu diambilkira oleh seseorang:
“Nabi telah melihat seorang lelaki tidur sambil meniarap, lantas Bagindapun bersabda: Inilah cara berbaring yang dibenci Allah.” (Tarmuzi)
“Apabila kamu mendatangi tempat tidurmu hendaklah kamu mengambil wuduk seperti wuduk untuk bersembahyang. Kemudian baringlah di sebelah kanan.” (Bukhari-Muslim)
“Berkata ‘Abbad ibn Tamim: Aku melihat Rasulullah di dalam masjid tidur menelentang sambil menyilangkan kaki Baginda.” (Bukhari-Muslim)
“Ibn Qaiyim telah merumuskan bahawa Nabi tidak tidur dalam kekenyangan. Baginda berbaring berlapikkan bantal, mengiring ke sebelah kanan dalam keadaan berzikir kepada Allah, sehingga tidur.” (At-Thib An-Nabawi oleh Ibn Qaiyim hal. 297)
Dapat disimpulkan bahawa Nabi suka tidur mengiring ke sebelah kanan dan kadangkala secara menelentang. Baginda tidur berlapikkan bantal yang sesuai dan membenci tidur secara meniarap. Dalam semua keadaan, zikir tidak pernah Baginda lupakan.
Sekali lagi sains terpaksa akur tentang kebaikan cara tidur yang diamalkan Nabi ini. Saintis-saintis telah mendapati bahawa cara berbaring ketika tidur (sleeping postures) boleh memberi kesan kepada kesihatan. Untuk merihatkan badan di samping menjaga kesihatan tulang leher (cervical spine), pakar-pakar perubatan mencadangkan dua kedudukan ketika tidur:
Mengiring ke lembung dengan meluruskan tulang belakang atau
Menelentang di belakang dengan muka dan badan mengadap ke atas dengan menjaga bengkokan tulang leher. (Intermountain Spine Institute (1999); ‘Spine Self Care')
Kedua-dua cara ini akan mencegah tulang leher daripada terseliuh (subluxation or mis-alignment of the neck). Di samping itu, dengan berlapikkan bantal yang sesuai ketika tidur, sakit leher, sakit belakang, tekanan saraf (pinched nerves) dan kerosakan kepada tulang belakang (wear of vertebrae and spinal column) akan dapat dicegah.
Meniarap merupakan cara tidur yang boleh menimbulkan tekanan ke atas belakang dan leher seseorang. Tidur begini boleh menyebabkan serangan sakit urat saraf dan otot. (Spine Self Care; Ibid)
(Kajian saintifik tentang cara untuk mengurangkan sakit belakang iaitu dengan membetulkan cara tidur (sleeping posture) dan menjauhi tidur meniarap)
Ajaran Nabi tentang tidur, samada yang berkaitan dengan kepentingannya, tidur tengaharinya, cara berbaring dan lain-lainnya, adalah begitu saintifik sekali. Kajian kontemporari telah membuktikan tentang semua ini. Ini menunjukan bahawa ajaran Nabi adalah suatu ajaran yang seimbang yang boleh membawa manusia kepada keunggulan. Wassalam.
(Untuk mengetahui tentang aspek 'Islam dan Sains' secara yang lebih terperinci di dalam aspek-aspek yang berbagai-bagai, sila dapatkan buku karangan Dr. Danial 'Islam Kontemporari Lagi Unggul' yang akan diterbitkan tidak berapa lama lagi, insya Allah.)
Via Dr. Danial
Tidur meniarap adalah dilarang oleh Islam. Abu Hurairah r.a telah meriwayatkan hadis dari Rasulullah s.a.w . Baginda melihat seorg lelaki meniarap. Lalu baginda bersabda:
إن هذه ضجعة يبغضها الله ورسوله
Maksudnya: “Sesungguhnya ini adalah cara baring yang dimurkai oleh Allah dan Rasulnya.” (Hr Tirimizi dan Ahmad-hasan lighairihi)
Cara Tidur Nabi Dan Kajian Semasa
Berapa jamkah yang diperlukan untuk tidur setiap malam? Nabi tidak menyebutkan kadar masanya secara khusus. Baginda sekadar menyebutkan:
“Hendaklah salah seorang di antara kamu bersembahyang ketika dirinya cergas.” (Bukhari-Muslim)
dan di dalam riwayat yang lain, Baginda bersabda:
“Hendaklah kamu tidur sehingga hilang rasa mengantuk.” (Bukhari-Muslim)
Ini menunjukkan bahawa kadar masanya berbeza di antara seorang dengan seorang yang lain. Yang penting ialah tidur yang menghilangkan rasa mengantuk dan menghasilkan kecergasan.
Pakar-pakar tidur telah bersetuju bahawa keperluan tidur tidak sama bagi setiap orang. Tidur yang optima ialah kadar yang tidak mendatangkan rasa mengantuk ketika sedang memberikan tumpuan kepada sesuatu. Bagi sesetengah orang, kadar optimanya ialah 5-6 jam setiap malam. Namun biasanya bagi yang dewasa ialah 7-8 jam. (Michelle Moore: ‘Catching Those ZZZZ’s')
Beberapa hadis Nabi telah meriwayatkan tentang cara tidur yang baik dan keji yang perlu diambilkira oleh seseorang:
“Nabi telah melihat seorang lelaki tidur sambil meniarap, lantas Bagindapun bersabda: Inilah cara berbaring yang dibenci Allah.” (Tarmuzi)
“Apabila kamu mendatangi tempat tidurmu hendaklah kamu mengambil wuduk seperti wuduk untuk bersembahyang. Kemudian baringlah di sebelah kanan.” (Bukhari-Muslim)
“Berkata ‘Abbad ibn Tamim: Aku melihat Rasulullah di dalam masjid tidur menelentang sambil menyilangkan kaki Baginda.” (Bukhari-Muslim)
“Ibn Qaiyim telah merumuskan bahawa Nabi tidak tidur dalam kekenyangan. Baginda berbaring berlapikkan bantal, mengiring ke sebelah kanan dalam keadaan berzikir kepada Allah, sehingga tidur.” (At-Thib An-Nabawi oleh Ibn Qaiyim hal. 297)
Dapat disimpulkan bahawa Nabi suka tidur mengiring ke sebelah kanan dan kadangkala secara menelentang. Baginda tidur berlapikkan bantal yang sesuai dan membenci tidur secara meniarap. Dalam semua keadaan, zikir tidak pernah Baginda lupakan.
Sekali lagi sains terpaksa akur tentang kebaikan cara tidur yang diamalkan Nabi ini. Saintis-saintis telah mendapati bahawa cara berbaring ketika tidur (sleeping postures) boleh memberi kesan kepada kesihatan. Untuk merihatkan badan di samping menjaga kesihatan tulang leher (cervical spine), pakar-pakar perubatan mencadangkan dua kedudukan ketika tidur:
Mengiring ke lembung dengan meluruskan tulang belakang atau
Menelentang di belakang dengan muka dan badan mengadap ke atas dengan menjaga bengkokan tulang leher. (Intermountain Spine Institute (1999); ‘Spine Self Care')
Kedua-dua cara ini akan mencegah tulang leher daripada terseliuh (subluxation or mis-alignment of the neck). Di samping itu, dengan berlapikkan bantal yang sesuai ketika tidur, sakit leher, sakit belakang, tekanan saraf (pinched nerves) dan kerosakan kepada tulang belakang (wear of vertebrae and spinal column) akan dapat dicegah.
Meniarap merupakan cara tidur yang boleh menimbulkan tekanan ke atas belakang dan leher seseorang. Tidur begini boleh menyebabkan serangan sakit urat saraf dan otot. (Spine Self Care; Ibid)
(Kajian saintifik tentang cara untuk mengurangkan sakit belakang iaitu dengan membetulkan cara tidur (sleeping posture) dan menjauhi tidur meniarap)
Ajaran Nabi tentang tidur, samada yang berkaitan dengan kepentingannya, tidur tengaharinya, cara berbaring dan lain-lainnya, adalah begitu saintifik sekali. Kajian kontemporari telah membuktikan tentang semua ini. Ini menunjukan bahawa ajaran Nabi adalah suatu ajaran yang seimbang yang boleh membawa manusia kepada keunggulan. Wassalam.
(Untuk mengetahui tentang aspek 'Islam dan Sains' secara yang lebih terperinci di dalam aspek-aspek yang berbagai-bagai, sila dapatkan buku karangan Dr. Danial 'Islam Kontemporari Lagi Unggul' yang akan diterbitkan tidak berapa lama lagi, insya Allah.)
Via Dr. Danial
Friday, 2 March 2012
The Etiquette of Making Du`a
The Etiquette of Making Du`a
In His book ‘Du`a; The Shield of A Believer; Arrows of Light in The Darkness of Night’, Sheikh Salamah Abul-Kamal, a Muslim writer and Da`iyah, mentioned some manners pertaining to making Du`a:
“1-Praising Allah and sending peace to His Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
2-Admitting one’s sins and showing repentance.
3-During supplication, one should begin with himself.
4-Repeating one’s supplication three times.
5-Asking Allah with firm will and seriousness.
6-Using short rich expressions in supplication.
7-Observing humbleness and humility during supplication.
8-The voice of the suppliant should be neither so loud nor so low.
9-The suppliant should end his supplication with saying ‘Ameen’ meaning ‘O Allah! Accept my supplication!’
10-Gaining provision through lawful means.”
Based on the English translation of the book, published by Dar Al-Manarah, Egypt.
The Optimum Times for Making Du`a
There are many optimum times of Du`a mentioned by scholars. The late Imam Hasan Al-Banna, in his Tract of Munajaah, sheds light on some of them, as follows:
“1-Between Azan and Iqamah. It reported that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Du`a made between Azan and Iqamah is not rejected.” The Companions said: “What shall we say, O Messenger of Allah?” “Seek Allah’s grace in this world and in the afterlife”, replied the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.” (Reported by Abu-Dawud and At-Tirmizi)
2-In prostration. Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, quotes the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, as saying: “The nearest a Muslim is to his Lord is while he is in prostration. So, make Du`a in it.” (Reported by Muslim, Abu Dawud and An-Nasa’i)
3-While on travel and while being subject to oppression. The Hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, reads: “Three kinds of Du`a are surely answered; the Du`a of an oppressed, the Du`a of a traveler and the Du`a of a parent against his son or daughter.” (Reported by Abu-Dawud and At-Tirmizi)
4-In the middle of the night. Also, Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, quotes the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, as saying: “Almighty Allah manifests Himself at the first heaven, during the last third of night, and says: ‘Is there any suppliant so that I answer him? Is there anyone asking so that I fulfill his need? Is there any seeker of forgiveness so that I forgive his sins.’”
Based on Imam Al-Banna’s Tract of Munajaah, published by Dar Ash-Shihab, Egypt.
Almighty Allah knows best.
Posted by sakina bibi at 6:46 PM
Via http://cgsyed.blogspot.com/2011/01/effective-doa.html
In His book ‘Du`a; The Shield of A Believer; Arrows of Light in The Darkness of Night’, Sheikh Salamah Abul-Kamal, a Muslim writer and Da`iyah, mentioned some manners pertaining to making Du`a:
“1-Praising Allah and sending peace to His Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
2-Admitting one’s sins and showing repentance.
3-During supplication, one should begin with himself.
4-Repeating one’s supplication three times.
5-Asking Allah with firm will and seriousness.
6-Using short rich expressions in supplication.
7-Observing humbleness and humility during supplication.
8-The voice of the suppliant should be neither so loud nor so low.
9-The suppliant should end his supplication with saying ‘Ameen’ meaning ‘O Allah! Accept my supplication!’
10-Gaining provision through lawful means.”
Based on the English translation of the book, published by Dar Al-Manarah, Egypt.
The Optimum Times for Making Du`a
There are many optimum times of Du`a mentioned by scholars. The late Imam Hasan Al-Banna, in his Tract of Munajaah, sheds light on some of them, as follows:
“1-Between Azan and Iqamah. It reported that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Du`a made between Azan and Iqamah is not rejected.” The Companions said: “What shall we say, O Messenger of Allah?” “Seek Allah’s grace in this world and in the afterlife”, replied the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.” (Reported by Abu-Dawud and At-Tirmizi)
2-In prostration. Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, quotes the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, as saying: “The nearest a Muslim is to his Lord is while he is in prostration. So, make Du`a in it.” (Reported by Muslim, Abu Dawud and An-Nasa’i)
3-While on travel and while being subject to oppression. The Hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, reads: “Three kinds of Du`a are surely answered; the Du`a of an oppressed, the Du`a of a traveler and the Du`a of a parent against his son or daughter.” (Reported by Abu-Dawud and At-Tirmizi)
4-In the middle of the night. Also, Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, quotes the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, as saying: “Almighty Allah manifests Himself at the first heaven, during the last third of night, and says: ‘Is there any suppliant so that I answer him? Is there anyone asking so that I fulfill his need? Is there any seeker of forgiveness so that I forgive his sins.’”
Based on Imam Al-Banna’s Tract of Munajaah, published by Dar Ash-Shihab, Egypt.
Almighty Allah knows best.
Posted by sakina bibi at 6:46 PM
Via http://cgsyed.blogspot.com/2011/01/effective-doa.html
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Wasiat Luqman Al-Hakim
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Wasiat Luqman al-Hakim
Luqman (Arab لقمان الحكيم, Luqman al-Hakim, Luqman Ahli Hikmah) adalah orang yang disebut dalam Al-Qur'an surah Luqman ayat 12-19 yang terkenal kerana nasihat-nasihatnya kepada anaknya.
Ibnu Katsir berpendapat bahwa nama panjang Luqman ialah Luqman bin Unaqa' bin Sadun. Sedangkan asal-usul Luqman, sebagian ulama berbeza pendapat. Ibnu Abbas menyatakan bahwa Luqman adalah seorang tukang kayu dari Habsyi.
Banyak nasihat Luqman yang boleh dijadikan panduan. Beliau sentiasa memberi nasihat-nasihat yang bermanfaat. Nasihat-nasihat beliau adalah seperti berikut :
Pertama : Supaya sentiasa berada dalam majlis para ulama' dan dengarlah kata-kata para hukama'(orang yang bijaksana), kerana Allah menghidupkan jiwa yang mati dengan hikmat sebagaimana Dia menghidupkan bumi yang mati dengan hujan yang lebat.
Kedua : Berkawan dan hampirilah ulama' serta duduk dan ziarahilah rumah mereka agar kamu akan menjadi seumpama mereka. Sentiasalah bersama-sama mereka dan tumpanglah kebaikan mereka. Kemungkinan besar apabila Allah menurunkan kebaikan kepada mereka, kamu turut merasai nikmat itu. Sekiranya engkau seorang yang soleh, jauhilah dirimu daripada orang yang buruk budi pekerti dan keras kepala kerana ditakuti apabila diturunkan bala Allah, engkau turut menjadi mangsanya.
Ketiga : Janganlah engkau menjadi lemah daripada seekor ayam jantan, ia telah berkokok pada waktu pagi hari sedangkan engkau pada ketika itu masih terbaring di atas katilmu.
Keempat : Jangan sekali-kali engkau menangguhkan taubat kepada Allah kerana mati itu akan datang bila-bila masa sahaja.
Kelima : Dunia ini bagaikan lautan yang dalam yang mana sudah ramai mereka yang sudah ditenggelamkannya. Oleh itu, jadikanlah taqwa sebagai kapalnya dan iman pula sebagai air yang menyirami tanaman.
Keenam : Pukulan bapa ke atas anaknya bagaikan air yang menyirami tanaman.
Ketujuh : Tiga orang yang tidak dapat dikenali melainkan pada tiga keadaan iaitu:
1. Orang yang lemah lembut melainkan ketika marah.
2. Orang yang berani melainkan ketika berperang.
3. Saudara maramu melainkan ketika engkau berhajat dan memerlukan pertolongan daripada mereka.
Kelapan : Sesungguhnya dunia ini sedikit sahaja, sedangkan keseluruhan umurmu lebih sedikit daripada itu. Manakala umurmu yang masih lagi berbaki amat sedikit daripada yang lebih sedikit tadi.
Kesembilan : Tanda-tanda seorang pendengki itu ada tiga iaitu:
1. Mengumpat kawannya apabila ketiadaan kawan mereka.
2. Memuji-muji kawannya apabila berada berasama mereka.
3. Merasa gembira jika kawannya ditimpa bala.
Sahabat yang dimuliakan,
Jadikanlah wasiat-wasiat Luqman ini sebagai ikhtibar dan pengajaran untuk kita amalkan dalam kehidupan kita untuk menjadi Mukmin yang berakhlak mulia.
Kongsikan artikel ini dengan rakan-rakan facebook anda.Sharing is Caring
By: Dunia macam-macam
Wasiat Luqman al-Hakim
Luqman (Arab لقمان الحكيم, Luqman al-Hakim, Luqman Ahli Hikmah) adalah orang yang disebut dalam Al-Qur'an surah Luqman ayat 12-19 yang terkenal kerana nasihat-nasihatnya kepada anaknya.
Ibnu Katsir berpendapat bahwa nama panjang Luqman ialah Luqman bin Unaqa' bin Sadun. Sedangkan asal-usul Luqman, sebagian ulama berbeza pendapat. Ibnu Abbas menyatakan bahwa Luqman adalah seorang tukang kayu dari Habsyi.
Banyak nasihat Luqman yang boleh dijadikan panduan. Beliau sentiasa memberi nasihat-nasihat yang bermanfaat. Nasihat-nasihat beliau adalah seperti berikut :
Pertama : Supaya sentiasa berada dalam majlis para ulama' dan dengarlah kata-kata para hukama'(orang yang bijaksana), kerana Allah menghidupkan jiwa yang mati dengan hikmat sebagaimana Dia menghidupkan bumi yang mati dengan hujan yang lebat.
Kedua : Berkawan dan hampirilah ulama' serta duduk dan ziarahilah rumah mereka agar kamu akan menjadi seumpama mereka. Sentiasalah bersama-sama mereka dan tumpanglah kebaikan mereka. Kemungkinan besar apabila Allah menurunkan kebaikan kepada mereka, kamu turut merasai nikmat itu. Sekiranya engkau seorang yang soleh, jauhilah dirimu daripada orang yang buruk budi pekerti dan keras kepala kerana ditakuti apabila diturunkan bala Allah, engkau turut menjadi mangsanya.
Ketiga : Janganlah engkau menjadi lemah daripada seekor ayam jantan, ia telah berkokok pada waktu pagi hari sedangkan engkau pada ketika itu masih terbaring di atas katilmu.
Keempat : Jangan sekali-kali engkau menangguhkan taubat kepada Allah kerana mati itu akan datang bila-bila masa sahaja.
Kelima : Dunia ini bagaikan lautan yang dalam yang mana sudah ramai mereka yang sudah ditenggelamkannya. Oleh itu, jadikanlah taqwa sebagai kapalnya dan iman pula sebagai air yang menyirami tanaman.
Keenam : Pukulan bapa ke atas anaknya bagaikan air yang menyirami tanaman.
Ketujuh : Tiga orang yang tidak dapat dikenali melainkan pada tiga keadaan iaitu:
1. Orang yang lemah lembut melainkan ketika marah.
2. Orang yang berani melainkan ketika berperang.
3. Saudara maramu melainkan ketika engkau berhajat dan memerlukan pertolongan daripada mereka.
Kelapan : Sesungguhnya dunia ini sedikit sahaja, sedangkan keseluruhan umurmu lebih sedikit daripada itu. Manakala umurmu yang masih lagi berbaki amat sedikit daripada yang lebih sedikit tadi.
Kesembilan : Tanda-tanda seorang pendengki itu ada tiga iaitu:
1. Mengumpat kawannya apabila ketiadaan kawan mereka.
2. Memuji-muji kawannya apabila berada berasama mereka.
3. Merasa gembira jika kawannya ditimpa bala.
Sahabat yang dimuliakan,
Jadikanlah wasiat-wasiat Luqman ini sebagai ikhtibar dan pengajaran untuk kita amalkan dalam kehidupan kita untuk menjadi Mukmin yang berakhlak mulia.
Kongsikan artikel ini dengan rakan-rakan facebook anda.Sharing is Caring
By: Dunia macam-macam
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