Friday, 19 August 2011

Surah Al-Kahf

وَلَقَد صَرَّفنا فى هٰذَا القُرءانِ لِلنّاسِ مِن كُلِّ مَثَلٍ وَكانَ الإِنسٰنُ أَكثَرَ شَيءٍ جَدَلًا
We have explained in detail in this Qur'an, for the benefit of mankind, every kind of similitude: but man is, in most things, contentious. (Al- Kahf 18:54)

The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, ‘Whoever recited Surah al Kahf on a Friday, Allah (SWT) will kindle for him abundant light to brightly illuminate the period between the two Fridays (the Friday on which the recitation was made and the next Friday)’
[Hakim 2/367, Mishkat al-Masabih 2175,; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Targheeb, 836]

“Whoever reads Surah al-Kahf on the day of Jumu’ah, will have a light that will shine from him from one Friday to the next.”
[ Classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 6470!/PropheticTimeline
Prophetic Timeline

The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, “Whoever reads Surat al-Kahf on the day of Jumu’ah, will have a light that will shine from him from one Friday to the next.”

The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, “Whoever reads Surat al-Kahf on the night of Jumu’ah, will have a light that will stretch between him and the Ancient House (the Ka’bah).”

Biographies of the Companions ( Sahaabah )

Below is a partial list of some of the companions of the Prophet (saas). Their lives remain a source of inspiration for the later generations of Muslims, including today's. May Allah be pleased with all of them.
Abbad ibn BishrAbdullah ibn Abbas
Abdullah ibn Hudhafah as-Sahmi Abdullah ibn Jahsh
Abdullah ibn MasudAbdullah Ibn Sailam
Abdullah ibn UmarAbdullah ibn Umm Maktum
Abdur-Rahman ibn AwfAbu-d Dardaa
Abu-l Aas ibn ar-RabiahAbu Ayyub al-Ansari
Abu Dharr al-GhifariAbu Hurayrah
Abu Musa al-AshariAbu Sufyan ibn al-Harith
Abu Ubaydah ibn al-JarrahAdiyy ibn Hatim
Aishah bint Abi BakrAmr ibn al-Jamuh
Al-Baraa ibn Malik al-AnsariAn-Nuayman ibn Amr
An-Numan ibn MuqarrinAsmaa bint Abu Bakr
At-Tufayl ibn Amr ad-DawsiBarakah
Fatimah bint MuhammadFayruz ad-Daylami
Habib ibn Zayd al-AnsariHakim ibn Hazm
Hudhayfah ibn al-YamanIkrimah ibn Abi Jahl
Jafar ibn Abi TalibJulaybib
Khabbab ibn al-ArattMuadh ibn Jabal
Muhammad ibn MaslamahMusab ibn Umayr
Nuaym ibn MasudRabiah ibn Kab
Ramlah bint Abi SufyanRumaysa bint Milhan
Sad ibn Abi WaqqasSaid ibn Aamir al-Jumahi
Said ibn ZaydSalim Mawla Abi Hudhayfah
Salman al-FarsiSuhayb ar-Rumi
Suhayl ibn AmrTalhah ibn Ubaydullah
Thabit ibn QaysThumamah ibn Uthal
Ubayy ibn KabUmayr ibn Sad al-Ansari
Umayr ibn WahbUmm Salamah
Uqbah ibn AamirUtbah ibn Ghazwan
Zayd al-KhayrZayd ibn Thabit

Sickness: Expiation Of Sins

There are many hadith which explain that sickness expiates evil deeds and wipes out sins. Of these, some are given below:

Abu Hurairah narrates that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "When Allah wants to be good to someone, He tries him with some hardship."

Abu Hurairah also reports that Allah's Messenger, peace be upon him, said: "For every misfortune, illness, anxiety, grief, or hurt that afflicts a Muslim -even the hurt caused by the pricking of a thorn - Allah removes some of his sins."

Ibn Mas'ud said: "I visited the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, while he had a fever. I exclaimed: 'O Messenger of Allah! You have a high fever! ' He said: 'My fever is as much as two among you [might have]. ' I asked: 'Is it because you have a double reward?' He replied: 'Yes, that is right. No Muslim is afflicted with any hurt, even if it is no more than the pricking of a thorn, but Allah wipes off his sins because of it and his sins fall away from him as leaves fall from a tree'."

Abu Hurairah said: "The Prophet, peace be upon him, remarked: 'The example of a believer is like a fresh tender plant; from whichever direction the wind blows, it bends the plant. But when the wind dies down, it straightens up again. (Similarly a believer is tested by afflictions to strengthen his faith and heart, and he remains patient and firm). And an evil person is like a pine tree which remains hard and stiff until Allah breaks it whenever He wills."

Patience During Illness:
Anyone suffering from an illness should remain patient, for there is no reward better or more enriching than that reserved for those who endure in patience.

Suhaib ibn Sinan narrated that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "How remarkable is the case of the believer! There is good for him in everything, but this is not the case for anyone except for the believer. When the believer receives any good, he is thankful to Allah, and gets a reward. And when some misfortune befalls him, he endures it patiently, for which he is (also) rewarded."

Anas narrates: "I heard the Prophet, peace be upon him, saying: 'Allah says: "When I afflict a servant of mine with respect to his two most beloved things (meaning his eyes), and he endures it patiently, I grant him paradise in return'."

'Ata ibn Rabah related that he heard Ibn 'Abbas say: "Shall I show you a woman of Paradise?"I said: "Yes, indeed." He said: "A black woman came to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and said: 'I suffer from epileptic fits, and because of these, (at times) my body becomes uncovered. Would you invoke Allah, the Exalted One, to cure me of this disease? ' The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: 'If you wish, you can be patient and you will attain Paradise (for this suffering). But if you prefer, I will pray to Allah, the Exalted, to cure you of it?' The woman said: 'I will be patient,' then added: 'I become uncovered (when I have fits), so invoke Allah for me that I do not become uncovered. ' So the Prophet, peace be upon him, prayed for her."

A Sick Person is Rewarded for All the Good Deeds that He Would (usually) Perform in a State of Health:
Abu Musa al-Ash'ari reports that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "If a servant (of Allah) falls sick or goes on a journey, he (continues to be) rewarded for the good deeds that he used to do when he was healthy or at home."
